Which Spirit Should I evoke?

I’m looking for specific information about a specific event that will happen on a specific date in the future (and no, i will not say what information i want or what the event is). There are many spirits whose description says they “know all things past and to come" such as Vassago or Barbatos. But what are some other spirits that have that ability? Are there any angels or planetary spirits that can give me this future information? Thanks for any recommendations.

Santagraal, grand demon of the blue kingdom of flames who reigns over prophesy and is said to be able to see through the currents of time. Could be what your looking for

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Wtf! I looked through Kingdoms of Flame for a spirit that could see future events and came up short! Maybe I didn’t look hard enough. What page is this spirit listed on?

Kingdom of Flames doesn’t have page numbers however he can be found able 3/4 of the way through, about page 80 or so. Immediately after details on the Kingdom of the Blue Flame and then followed by Paltator and Sastan

I never noticed it doesn’t have page numbers…interesting. Alright I’ll scour it again. Thanks!

Yea its pretty weird, makes cross referencing a real bitch (note to E.A. and Timothy if you are reading this, please include page numbers in the compilation, thanks!)

I’m yet to work with Santagraal so please let me know how you go

[quote=“Soundwave, post:6, topic:497”]Yea its pretty weird, makes cross referencing a real bitch (note to E.A. and Timothy if you are reading this, please include page numbers in the compilation, thanks!)

I’m yet to work with Santagraal so please let me know how you go[/quote]

Well I’ve been told that planetary spirits may be a better choice for what I want but I have yet to find any that can see into the future. Do you know of any?

Mercury is generally associated with information and divination, but I’ve only worked with Jupiter from the planetary set

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I’ll do more research. Thanks. I guess this is what EA meant by “immersing oneself in the art" :slight_smile:

Its a weird thing, I (and I’m sure you have too) have read time and time again that there comes a point where either you make your whole life about magic or you drop it, for me thats only just happened and I’m now really starting to get the big results.
Good luck!

[quote=“Soundwave, post:10, topic:497”]Its a weird thing, I (and I’m sure you have too) have read time and time again that there comes a point where either you make your whole life about magic or you drop it, for me thats only just happened and I’m now really starting to get the big results.
Good luck![/quote]

Thanks. Oh and which spirit of mercury governs divination? Ophiel is the ruling spirit of mercury and I cant find a description of him that states he has divinatory abilities.

I’m not really sure, I would just evoke Mercury straight up

Sound advice. Thanks!

I would evoke Riprinay. I think he’s mentioned in “Summoning Spirits” by Konstantinos.


I had that book a long time ago then tossed it out when I discovered other more effective methods, such as those of Mr. Koetting ;-). Anyway, I did some research on Riprinay but found next to nothing. The only thing I did find was that he can affect changes in economic conditions. I’m not looking to do anything like that. I’m after information, but the event hasn’t happened yet and therefore need a spirit who can see into the future…accurately.