Which dieties entities gods demons to consult 4 $$$

I put down a really long entry, but no one read it so maybe it was scary. I am needing to gather whatever spirits demons gods angels, and their signs sigils and spells in order to begin increasing wealth coming into my home instead of leaving it. Please help.

Bethor (Olympian Spirit) [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethor]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethor[/url]
Lukorst (from Kingdom of FLames)
Maybe you want to get the Evocation Course. The Workbook is packed with spirits for every desire imaginable.

Try Adoniel and Bariel from Jupiter, you can get their names from the book of Macgregor Mathers the Greater Key of Solomon, theyā€™re in the 4th pentacle of Jupiter

The babylonian god Shamash rules over the sun and everything related (gold)

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cai_Shen]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cai_Shen[/url] << Chinese god of wealth and prosperity


I can definitely vote for Lukorst. I evoked him back in 2009 and he pretty much responded right away in terms of $$ā€¦both short term and long term.

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I will second Lukorst. Also, Paimon, Andromalius, Amy, Lucifuge Rofocale and Belphegor.

I tried Lukorst last night. Im fairly certain it worked, because after the ritual was done, I felt no anxiety or stress over my current financial situation (which is abysmal). It was almost strange, to feel that much at peace with my circumstances, and to have it happen in the course of a few minutes.


What about Clauneck?

Just found Claunecks name- I would like to know more also.

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A suggestion of an Entity hard to find references for, but actually presented in a novel form:
In ā€œAmerican Godsā€ by Neil Gaiman, on p219/222, ā€˜____ā€™ is presented. He is a great representation of the Current, [as well as my provide Contact with the elementals of prosperity]. -Which makes more sense in storyā€™s context

I have had great success with Barakiel, the Archangel of Laughter and Abundance. I have no idea how he does what he does, but everytime I evoke him I laugh away all my money related stress and the money I asked for comes rolling in. He will give you instructions on how he wants you to act while he works for you, or what you need to do for him while he works for you. But it is all worth it IMO.

And he seems to be one of the few angels with a real sense of humor, that is a plus in my book.

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That is an interesting title, Angel of Laughter and Abundance. Where would I find the sigil of Barakiel? He sounds like someone worth knowing.

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I had to look it up online, admittedly I have not worked with Barakiel since June and have sense done away with his sigil. Google his sigil, the one I used is the seal of a Goetic Spirit that others have used to contact the angel. They claim that Barakiel is just another aspect of the Goetic spirit.( whose name I have forgot)

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Lakshmi who is the Hindu Goddess of wealth

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ā€œA man who is rich-very rich- can do anythingā€¦ā€
-Adam Weishapt

ā€œdont try to be a man of success, but a man of valueā€ I could answer, Serell :slight_smile:

Very true brother. I was just curious what responses would be evoked from this statement. Ive been studying some of Weishapts literature lately and pondering some thingsā€¦

Iā€™m curious as to what of Weishauptā€™s you are reading? Iā€™ve read the John Robison proofs as well as the translations available in the History of Jacobism, book III of the Abu Baurrell series. Iā€™ve also read some of the Philo transcripts, the Baron Knigge trial transcripts (Knigge always seemed like a rat abandoning ship to me!).

Anyway Iā€™d be interested to hear if you are in possession of any other of the Barvarian documents, I know many have not been fully translated to English.

I honestly canā€™t come to a conclusion about Weishaupt. I understand he wanted Jesus as the head of the illuminati order in terms of the spiritual teacher, essentially re-instating the mystery schools and banishing the Roman doctrines of Saul, etc. My only beef is Iā€™m not sure he wasnā€™t acting under authority of the Jesuits, as he was a Jesuit professor before they were suppressed in 1773, and three years later Weishauptā€™s Illuminati has Mayday? Seems suspect, unless Weishaupt was in reality fully fed up with the church and was genuine in itā€™s overthrow, which in that case, go for it.

He was an interesting character, he apparently loved to deceive his underlings quite a bit, making them jump through hoops, turning them into walking spies amongst other things. The doctrine of deception seemed key in that society, especially regarding the lower ranks, trusting none and deceiving all. He also seemed a bit of an egoist, but I could be jaded from the professor Robison portrayal of him.

I am currently awaiting Der Lamp von Diogenes thanks to a friend (you know who are) :wink: but so far various fragments of his initial ritual manual. I think Pike has certainly won my fascination and support though as I begin the journey. Some of the material is a bit difficult to get your hands on. What did you think of Pikeā€™s discourse on the seven rungs of the ladder within the Blue Lodge trestleboard?

Are you speaking of Morals & Dogma? I honestly just breezed through that book years ago and didnā€™t retain all that much, so I couldnā€™t give you any forthwith answer at this time. I may go through it again sometime within the next year of so, Iā€™ve been extremely busy with other studies. I do recall something about the 7 liberal arts of the Trivium/Quadrivium, logic, arts and thus being represented by the Pythagorean triangle.

I was always more of a Manly P. Hall fan when it came to Masonic discourse. The secret teachings of all ages is what got me interested in the occult again after a decade furlough.

What Iā€™ve gotten out of studying symbology, is that sacred symbols have different meanings to different people. Some focus purely on the mathematical geometry, others on the purely esoteric. People make them say what they want them to. I could probably read 5 different books each telling me 5 different meanings. So ultimately whoā€™s to say whoā€™s right? They seem to change with the culture that embodies them.

For instance, are you aware that many bible reference books name the ā€˜chief cornerstoneā€™ as the capstone on a pyramid? Thus when the bible refers to Jesus as the chief cornerstone, that would actually make him the all-seeing-eye. The same would go for the Hebrews and most Abrahamic denominations(ripped from the egyptians). Itā€™s a symbol for Messianic enlightenment, union with God. Others see the symbol as one of menaceā€¦whoā€™s right? The same could be said of Jachin & Boaz, the checkerboard, etcā€¦Iā€™ve read many different interpretations of these symbols, but Iā€™d imagine only a high-ranking Mason would know ā€˜theirā€™ interpretation(Which could ultimately change 100 years from now anyway).

I personally go with what E.A. tells you, get yourself into the T/G sync, focus on the symbol, the sigal, the goal, whatever, and let them talk to you, the same as any kind of divination. The only way to learn in this field is to dive in, and you can have some interesting revelations while performing this kind of divination ritual.


Hereā€™s an awesome lecture on the trivium, occulted information, masonic symbols, and logic that may interest you:


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Manly P Hall is a fantastic author as well. And yes, I was reffering to Morals and Dogma. A Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret/Worshipful Master recommended I study the book in depth as few really have, and I am finding it more enlightening than when I skimmed tgrough it in the past. Highly appreciative I returned to in in a new light.