Which demon do I consult about mental illness curses?

Years ago when I was a prayer warrior, a prophet from Zimbabwe told me he saw 7 demons sitting on a stone and one cursed my womb. He prayed over me but nothing worked. I went on to have 3 children with mental illness and it is hard raising them. I want to know which spirit do I consult about this?

1st really sorry to hear about the kids.
I have a few issues and when ever I think about getting help for them I am Drawn to “Duke Dantalion” but I am still the 3 monkeys with spiritual communications. So I will give you a SHIT HOT LINK!
Dantalion tips (and everything that you need to know about him)
@Sha is very helpful have a read and a think about it but this is all the help I can be.
Hope it helps the kids

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If you truly think you have been cursed, i would call upon Opfaal, the Angel of Deliverance to break it.

Also, a lot of mental illness is hereditary, and not necessarily the result of a curse.

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Many thanks


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You can find information on Opfaal, including his seal, on the forum, if you are interested. Just do a search.

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Ok, I definitely will.