Which angel should I summon to remove blockage from my life

I’m currently facing some issues regarding to my studies
It’s getting really and so much hard to get my admission into college
I see there are various blockages in the way regarding to money, family and some times friends
So Which angel Should I summon for this case ?

Raziel. He can advise you on how to remove the blockages.


Thnk u I will work with him

Abaddon the angel of abyss


Where I can gain more info on abaddon ?

This is just dry theory with rituals. I don’t know how much you’ll get out of this.
Abaddon can be summoned not only for revenge, but also to remove weaknesses such as stimulants, medications, addictions, and fear.
It’s actually all a chain reaction.
If you want to have a better and happier life, you have to become a better version of yourself.
He is a destroyer so he can be summoned in such a job.
In my case, it simply inspired me, I had no idea that some things were so simple. It was not a rod of iron broken on the back.
You said something about money, but most of the blocks are in a person, preventing him from believing in himself and seeing other ways of thinking and planning.
For example, enemies may approach you because you have weaknesses.
Fear prevents you from taking what is yours and thinking creatively.
Maybe you should just distance yourself from your family.
Maybe weaknesses, fear and addictions block your intelligence and you have problems learning.
There are many possibilities and configurations of its power. I’m just starting to see his potential and mine.
There is also the book Kingdoms of flame.
From what I remember, there were a few angels of light there that might interest you, but I haven’t encountered them yet.


Yes you are absolutely right
That’s it is said u r your creator and your destroyer maybe the problem is not outside it’s inside and I need to control it
And destroy all bad habits inside of me I should really work with abaddon
Thank you so much for giving this advice and I’ll go through that article and book You told
Thank you

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I’m getting different energy when I try to talk to raziel
My instincts are telling me I should go with jeremeil first
Before summoning Raziel, I want summon jeremiel but I’m unable to find his sigil