Where Is Everybody From?

Welcome friend. I’m from NYC, live on Staten Island. If I go to Tottenville and throw a rock I can hit New Jersey :grinning:. I’ve been with the forum for almost a year. I’m still learning new and different things about ascension every day.


what type of working are you wanting to do? if i may ask?

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I am very new at this and I have had successful evocations. Like on EA’s Mastering Evocation, where you work with multiple people for channeling and so forth, it would be nice to have someone to do these types of things with. We were just emailing actually, doing his Bootcamp in September. Stoked!


I was just in SI last night and this morning. That’s awesome man. I am at work, but I will PM you sometime soon!

Cool. I too am at work. If you get the chance find my intro to the forum its been a while since I’ve updated it but it will a basic idea of where I’m heading on this path.


Just did. Will PM you

Am I really the only Colorado here??? O_o

Must be the elevation, nobody can breathe enough to become a mage xD

Actually, it’s probably the hippies. Colorado attracts a LOT of RHP folk who hate and disbelieve the violence of nature…



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I live in Arkansas. Kind of a shitty area to practice or talk about magick without getting funny looks, but I know a Thelemite that practices and has much more experience than I.

I could do without all the theatrics of Thelema though, so we don’t talk much about magick. We’re very different though. I was talking to him once about Grace and Liberation. I told him I believed liberation could only happen after death and enlightenment only comes through Grace. He believes the exact opposite- That enlightenment can happen through hard work, and liberation can occur in this life.

He’s a good guy and the only other person I know that practices magick. I mean, I know a couple of others that dabble, but they just do that: Dabble.


I am from Ontario Canada


Colorado looks beautiful from pictures I want to visit one day. Which city has the most magic people?

Tbh probably Boulder, it’s a magnet for spiritual people of all stripes, but mostly the RHP and nature folk

I meant lefties

Hmmmmmmmm possibly the college towns, so the part of Boulder around the University of Colorado campus, and in Fort Collins around the Colorado State University campus :slight_smile:

and yes, Colorado is stunningly beautiful :purple_heart:


Thanks! For the info. :slight_smile:

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Actually been meaning to start something like this- MN/WI

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I’m from Brazil! Rio de Janeiro


Poland here anyone from Wielkopolska close to Konin :smiley: ??


On the streets of Stockholm :metal:t3: