When to Unleash the Flying Monkeys

Just wondering, kinda taking a poll here. What would it take, what wrong would someone have to do for you to curse and summon in order to do so. When to any of you, is it appropriate?

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I have a job tp dp. Its been 2 years, been lay down. Im going for 8 persons on 1 ritual. No want to do asap. Due fsmily closer, but im asap tis weeks, its a 2 minths ritual.

Whenever I feel like it. It depends on the circumstances & context more than hard rules. As a general guideline however, I put on my robe & wizard hat when people are non-conductive to my reality being harmonious & joyous. I’ve cursed for as seemingly little as being noisy while I was sleeping, & I’ve let people slide after punching me in the face. I am draconian, but fair.


Who doesn’t want to put a nice little hex on the idiot who is blasting his music nonstop at all hours of the night…cackle cackle.:hugs:


Probably this. Also it depends on the person going on my fragile little nerves. Some people have a “fool’s license” with me and I look at their wrong doings like I would look at a dog taking a pee on my carpet because he can’t help it. I just shrug it off and clean up the mess.
But other people, tho…there are people I’m just waiting for to make one wrong step so I can go after them.

I notice that I should have a talk with myself, sometime. But not now.


Ive only set one rule for myself. If someone really crosses the line with me, as long as I have absolutely no reservations about it and I’m in no way to blame, then I will do it.

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Pretty much whenever I feel like it is appropriate. It is all context based…especially if lack of coffee is involved (just kidding lol).

In all seriousness, my usual reason is that the individual caused trouble for my family. So I return the favor in whatever fashion I see fit.

I was going to say never, but then I realized that’s a big lie. I have very little patience.

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At my age I have no patience for bullsht. I can relate. You just get sick of peoples sht. Sometimes a go “f” yourself is sufficient to some ass hat, sometimes it isn’t. If it’s a serious offense to me or my family, a curse is a given. The truth is, that demons can be tricky beings. Working with them you have to be on your toes, and if you’re not, you should wait until you are. But there are times when the best time to do it is now. You just have to decide for yourself, not allowing any self deception. Thanks for your comment. Blessings, Divina

When they show no respect and continue to disrespect my surroundings or myself. Since i’ve started magick not too long. My list is short. It’s justified too. I don’t curse for no reasons. I look at context and situation. I’ve also confronted them the normal way through talking too. No progress so magick route i go. I’m fair. When it’s past fair tolerance level, the magick is game on.

  1. The ex soul friend that is ungrateful for life saving efforts on my part for her brain surgery and abandon me by ghosting and sending partner to threaten me after i call out her mistreatment being a fake friend. Well, she didn’t send to threaten but it might as well be cuz when i told her she defended him and responded as if i’m an enemy stranger. Being close and then suddenly being fake friend. Couldn’t even talk to me face to face after all i’ve done. I’m ok with her breaking up face to face . Just not how she did it by ghosting and having 3rd party to communicate. So rude and disrespectful to respond by 3rd party and email. So that’s one reason to unlease the monkeys on the partner and her family who instigate her to avoid me. Sometimes 3rd party just fuk up a good thing.
  2. homeless in the street alleyway blasting music and being noisy. Also neighbor downstairs doing same and being rude after numerous times asking to not blast tv/music past sleep hours. Been going on for yrs before i got into magick. so it justifiable for dealing with this noise BS for long time.
  3. Will soon be on my few coworkers who blast music for 10 hrs during my shift. I can’t stand lazy workers who don’t respect others or workplace. They on phone all day rather then work being priority. They think it’s ok to play mexican music nonstop at workplace. I get enough music with the homeless so i don’t get quite time much. They can use bluetooth earphone but they don’t want to. They put it on speaker. Boss don’t help either cuz they afraid they scare away workers as they need spanish speaking workers since most customer are spanish speakers.

These are ongoing right now or in the process. Magick isn’t instant. It takes time. Then there’s the upkeeping magick. Especially with homeless since once i got rid of one group another drug dealer .homeless group comes in.

The rule of thumb is , when they wrong you and you can’t get justice by any other means other then magick. Think of magick as secret weapon. Sometime confrontation physically in the real world isn’t the best option.


You definitely have some valid reasons for cursing, and you’re right it doesn’t work in an instant and it takes upkeep.One of your situations seems like it will be an endless cycle, the third one. In that case I would recommend calling on one of the dark goddesses, but it’s probably gonna be something you will have to keep doing. Good luck!:wink:


I’ll just try all kinds of spells and see which work. haha. force exile. master curse, regret, quiet neighbor. etc…One of them gotta stick. If it don’t work, at least their life will suffer a bit. That’s punishment for messing with my quite space.

The homeless spells work. however, after i get rid of one group. Another one shows up. yesterday a group of black homeless shows up and blast music. never seen them before. new group. Soon they be gone. The mexicans here don’t like the blacks. so they having a music turf war. one blast at 2am and other blast at 7-8 am to wake them up. It’s hell here. lol And i’m collateral damage.

Are you still having the problem with the homeless and loud music?

Instead of continuing the curses, have you thought of creating a sigil to repel them? You could discretely paint it on the wall of the alley, or even the ground, and program it to make anyone that moves into the area feel very uncomfortable or even threatened so they don’t even bother trying to stay there (think of the way certain haunted places feel very unwelcoming to the uninvited).


no graffiti allowed. THese are new group. First time actual black group come by. before it was mainly mexicans. Blacks were there but they were part of the mexican drug dealers. THese are separate new group. Spell works as it’s a lot better then before. I did repel spell or force exile. I don’t think i want to curse a haunted place since i live right next to it. =oP lol

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On 2nd thought. I might do it. But not using grafitti. Maybe i can use chalk on the sidewalk or wall so that it isn’t painted on wall graffitti.

Possibly sigil for making the homeless feel uncomfortable to be there as well as ill. Aim it at the homeless there and no one else. Limit it to the sidewalk there in this one block. I can have opportunity after the city street cleaners clean up the street. some time during the week the block is empty for some hrs.
Now i just got to figure out the sigil and what kind of programming. I don’;t think it takes long to program it. draw sigil and say the request. Must do research on how to do this. haha.
Wonder if i can just use one small sigil near my building and let it cover the whole block?

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There are many ways to go about it. You could do a single sigil, or a cluster of them. You don’t even need to draw it on the wall. You could trace it out on the ground with rocks, for example.

Chaos magicians have used sigils to affect whole areas before, so I’m sure your creativity and a bit of research can come up with something :slight_smile:

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Been carrying this in my back pocket.


If someone does me wrong and mortals’ methods (calling the cops, filing fraud reports, etc.) don’t fix the problem, I will not hesitate to raise a little hell.

Or a lot of hell, if they’ve been bad enough. Screw those bastards! :smiling_imp:

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Lol. I wouldn’t bother using legal methods, because our judicial system doesn’t work. And if it did, and a person goes to jail or prison, sometimes that is not sufficient punishment for a crime, and merely depletes tax payer dollars to feed, house, and “rehabilitate” them, haha, in other words they just learn how to become a better criminal, while they suck air others could use. So why bother with that. When they will more than likely get out and do that again or worse. When a serious line is crossed, I will get out the big guns and curse them so badly, they will pray for death while it eludes them. Prison will seem appealing to these ass clowns. Stupid people go to prison anyway, smarter criminals are able to avoid it. Both in my opinion deserve a curse, one for being stupid and for what they’ve done, and the other for what they’ve done lol. There are some sad truths in this life.

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too bad the experience witch is a newbie. Cuz real witch use magick, what they good at. And i’ve told them to f…k off. Not working for the past couple yrs. You can’t educate stupid homeless people. You can’t teach stupid.