When to get more decks

I’m no master of tarot divination but I’ve been thinking of getting a new deck. How did you know when it was time to get a second deck? Is there a specific time or is it something you can do whenever?

Do it whenever, you don’t need permission from anything


When you find a one you like and decide to get it it :slight_smile:
You can’t know if you will be connected to the deck before you buy it and try to work with it some time.

Most of the time I see decks I find very beautiful and want to have them. So I think there is a first connection then when I decide to buy them. But I can’t work with them all the same (I get answers more easily with some or the shuffling feels better etc).

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In that case, looks like I’ll be getting a new deck soon. I saw one that I haven’t been able to get off my mind.

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Whenever you want lol, I have if I remember right 10 decks (tarot and oracle)


You mind sharing which decks?


That’s pretty cool. I only have the standard Rider Waite deck and it looks like I’m about to get the Black Alchemy deck.

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Lol! I got lots of decks because I kept getting coupons and discounts out of nowhere :upside_down_face: if you want something get it if its convenient for you and calling you!

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Coupons and discounts? Where are you getting your decks from?

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Desertcart! Its like amazon

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Desertcart, huh? I’ll definitely try that out.

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its specific for UAE since our amazon doesn’t have everything

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Looks really good. Thanks for the reccomending it.

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I sometimes get a new one a few times in a month. They will call to you. When it is time you will know.


How’s the Book of Shadows deck? It always catches my attention when I see it at the store.

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Damn lol 10 decks I bet you don’t have the deck I have… Spirit of Halloween custom deck each card is a monster for the most part, I’ve made an understanding with the deck that I’ll use the meaning of the cards based off of moon garden deck. So far it’s been really spot on for simple questions I even asked it what’s the meaning of life and the card it gave me reflected what my afterlife will be like going from ruler to ruler as a messanger doing there will. My deck litterally had no answer key it was never made. I have o wait like two more weeks before I can do reading for people I’ve had just cutting to a random spot work good aswelk as scanning over then being able to feel the energy of the right card. Weird fact the PDF I have of BALG has the cross with the numbers wrong for a reading I’ma have to find the original version lol. Sorry to just decide to share alot to you Velenos hopefully it’s not a bother.

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Those I paid for with discounts!

And whose I got for free with coupons!

:rofl: thanks to Jupiter…


@MiKu how do you get them free or is it a promotion for returning customers? What rule does Jupiter play in this gain? And awesome selection. Moonology and dreams o Gaia stand out to me. But when I closed my eyes to see if one would light up Archangel Raphael healing was lit up. So what’s your top 3 or 5.
I assume your getting them from desertcart I’ma check out that web site see if I can subscribe or advertisement. Also please respond to how Jupiter is involved very curious.

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That’s an impressive collection. Do you actually use all of them?