When the pandemic make you realize the truth

When the pandemic teaches you that the guy you fell for is a fuck boy and you realize the nice one is boyfriend material.


Well this pandemic has seemed to accidentally have caused a global awakening of universal proportions of sorts butā€¦thatā€™s nice too

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Is there something that related to magic or the Occult in this?


Yes awakening of events that I need to atone for. To set things right again. My ex was very into magick I think I dated him just for more occult experience.

Some women even confessed to me that they fall for fuckboys. They couldnā€™t stand nice guys in a relationship and it gets you friend zoned big time

Rightā€¦So will said atonement be documented here and will this be a journal of your magickal workings? If so, I can move it to the journals section.

The sad truth in this is that ā€œniceā€ is the bare minimum and doesnā€™t really imply any personality traits. ā€œNice guysā€ tend to be either too passive, servile, and milquetoast, or they perform acts they think of as ā€œniceā€ in the hopes that it will make a woman sexually attracted to them, and become passive-aggresive and accusatory when it doesnā€™t work how they expected.

In reality, most straight women I know are attracted to men who have their shit together, who arenā€™t needy, and who have a well-rounded life (career, social, hobbies) that doesnā€™t revolve around the single minded idea of ā€œneed gf, anyone will doā€.

JMO based on lived experience and what Iā€™ve seen.


Itā€™s simple for me, I donā€™t go and play dr. Phil and then talk to women I like, it will put me in friend zone lol and I never get friend zoned because Iā€™m very careful and lucky I got women-friends who tell me they donā€™t like nice guys. And no Iā€™m not a fuckboy you donā€™t need to become one to get the women you want just be independent enough, anyways yeah fair point to you I guess !


The measures taken in association with the ā€˜pandemicā€™ helped me realise the truth ā€“ realise as in ā€˜make realā€™. Iā€™ve allowed the masses to do the ā€˜heavy liftingā€™. Thatā€™s all I can post as I may stray into Aeonics, empire building, gloating, economics, together with real-world distinctions between the left-hand and right-hand paths and a lot of that sort of thing could be construed as ā€˜politicalā€™, perhaps repetitious. Just remember, bank vault doors always open to the right.


Anything more we can do magickally against this? This is getting out of hand.

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