When I speak ‘i am’, there is pressure in my ajna chakra

I can feel pressure in my heart of my energy body,
But I started do mantra ‘I am’ to feel my strong existence,
Then same pressure sensation occurs in my forehead,
Has anyone experienced this?
And what do you think it does means?

Is there any connection between ‘existence’ and ‘third eye’?
It amazed me.

Well alot of people feel their awareness is located around that (forehead/behind eyes) area, say versus the awareness being in your foot.

It sounds to me like saying “I am” affected the energy center or third eye? When I work out my senses (scanning does this for me) I can get the same feeling.

Yeah, to me, I exactly repeated ‘I do exist’ in my native language while stay focused in my existence. Not my senses.

My strongest energy body sense is in heart, and when I do ritual, If there is energy flow, my heart feels pressure like sensation, so I know that If some pressure on my energy body, then there is energy.

So i can feel that It stimulates my ajna…

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It’s the energy you built there. It’s supposed to do that.

Make sure you are grounded with the energy points in your feet open so you don’t overload and get unbalanced, that will make you sick and give you headaches.

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Thank you for reply,
What does ‘you built’ means?
It is just illusion that ‘I made’? Or it’s natural process but ‘I made’?

You pulled qi to concentrate it in the Upper Dan Tian, aka 3rd eye (near enough). No it’s not illusion, it’s a bioelectric physical manifestation of you controlling the energy in your body. That’s the whole point of meditation, so you’re doing it well.

The upper dan tian is a storage area for energy, and there are a lot of nerves there, it’s it’s normal for it to feel like it’s warm, tingle, itch, crawl, feel pressure etc when you bring energy to it. This has been discussed a lot on tis forum, it’s usually the first sign your meditations are effective.

As an energy worker, I would only mention it’s worth meditating in a balanced way, so you build up your energy all over evenly, to avoid problems from being unbalanced and/or ungrounded.
This is very real, and you can make yourself very sick if you don’t educate yourself and be careful.

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Thank you!!
Can I ask two more question?

  1. How to ground more on my feet?
  2. Do you know relation between ‘existence’ and ‘upper dan tian’? I am curious because I did not intended to bring energy to here.

You can ensure the energy points in the feet are open by feeling the energy with your hands.

The point is called Kidney 1 in accupunture/qigong

Point your first two fingers together (sword fingers) in the direction of flow through the point you want open.
E.g. for the feet, Kidney 1 is called Yong Quan. Point the finger at the back of your foot pointing through so the energy goes out the other side through Yong Quan. Visualise the energy streaming through like water under pressure, the more the merrier. You’re looking for a clairsentience, tingle or image flash that it’s open. It usually tingles or feels like a fingers-worth or pressure is on it, without there being a finger there.
(Surface points can open and close like pores, and being close to nerves it’s more likely the nerves will be stimulated and cause sensation.)
Once you’ve done it once, you should be able to put your mind in them (focus on them) to open them. They’ll semi-close back up on their own when not in use.

To ground, open Kidney 1 and walk around on grass or the earth. (I.e. not on a raised floor).

You are part of existence, every bit of you is part of manifest existence. Why the energy flowed there is specific to your energy system, and without reading the rest of your energy I can only speculate. It may be that you were low in energy there and it flowed there like water finding the lowest level.

Qi is sentient and will flow where it is needed.

On the other hand, the upper dan tian is associated with clairsentience, and you wanted to “feel your existence” - that was your intention. I’m not sure what you mean by “existence”, but developing your upper dan tian is one way to gain the psychic skills to sense the unseen.

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I didn’t know the sword finger technique was through the back of the foot? I was doing through the sole…welp time to do that again lol.

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You can do that too, just gently let the energy from the tips of the fingers interact. That’s often enough. I guess the flushing is a more intense technique. I go to it first because if the gentler way doesn’t work OP probably won’t be back to ask about it.

Also since K1 is for grounding, we might be dealing with a block, and as it’s the way my teachers opened these points for the classes I attended, I flush out and down.
You can visualise this just like water going through pipes. So if you want to flush a pipe, you usually flush a block out of the system rather than up into it.

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I was doing it through the sole, and imagining the energy from my finger tips flushing out the K1 points on my feet. Through feeling, and imagining the energy from my fingers being like a small jet of water - flushing out the points with energy from the points going outwards. Kind of like a sewer pipe :stuck_out_tongue: Unclogging it lol. I’ll try through the back of the foot, just to see if I notice a difference from the other technique.

I was also just massaging the points (in a clock-wise motion) to help as well (as maintenance), since you said the finger-sword technique can be intense.

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