When collecting dirt

I need to go and collect some dirt this coming week - ment to do it once it’s dark, but the cemeteries here are guarded with cameras and patrol dogs. Will it still prove effective if I went during the day (say late afternoon or so)…I know there’s more spirit activity once it’s dark, but wanted to check my options first.

I’ve done a lot of collecting during the day and my dirt was still potent.

I get all mine during the day…

I don’t want to stumble in the dark and fall into some open hole and be covered up by mistake…lol.



interesting…and I respect your belief…but I can tell you there are individuals that no longer walk this earth path that both my partner and myself have directed their permanant sleep. All of the dirt used in both our service was gathered during the day…and the spirits have NEVER complained about what time of day it was gathered. Just my own observations as they have always been more than happy to go to work…


[quote=“UndeadGod333, post:4, topic:355”]I personally would never use grave dirt obtained during the day. I actually believe it will not help but hinder your workings, building against you slowly over time.
There are specific reasons dealing with safety, treaties with the dead, and traditional respect.[/quote]

Are you able to share anything about the tradition you’re working within that requires the nighttime gathering? I respect the dedication shown in following this type of requirement.

I agree with this. I gather from graves that I tend regularly, family graves mostly that I still communicate with. The only times I have gathered from other places payment and permissions have been given and secured beforehand. I don’t work within a defined tradition, but it seemed like the right things to do, and has worked quite well for me.

I’m being taught within the tradition of Palo Mayombe - but cemeteries in the capital are a different story…they’re guarded with CCTV, security patrols, guard dogs and what not.

I’m keeping an eye on fresh graves and will take it from there. There’s a specific way of letting the ‘ka’ (spirit) know that you’re there to corporate and strike a pact.

The act can be done in the day time, act like a mourner, bring a single rose, or a bouquet of flowers, and dress in some nice clothes. Look like you belong and nobody will pay you too much mind. You’re just collecting dirt, you should be able to get away with this if you just wander around to a good location, and pretend you’re praying for a while and collect your dirt, leave your flower(s), mission accomplished.

Best of Luck
-Frater Apotheosis

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[quote=“cloud9, post:9, topic:355”]I’m being taught within the tradition of Palo Mayombe - but cemeteries in the capital are a different story…they’re guarded with CCTV, security patrols, guard dogs and what not.

I’m keeping an eye on fresh graves and will take it from there. There’s a specific way of letting the ‘ka’ (spirit) know that you’re there to corporate and strike a pact.[/quote]

Cloud nine…is this the elemental teachings of the group that you will go to visit a cemetary 3 times while you are training…and the third time you go to pick up a spirit that will stay with you the rest of your life to work with you. And at that point you do not go back to any cemetarys any more? reason I ask, is I had a contact in florida in training with some group like that…or similar…just curious?



If you simply wish to collect “dirt” just go get some. Pretend you are at a grave of a loved one, and gather the dirt. However if you wish to obtain dusting from the coffin, you will have to dig…a lot! This will require you to either be out of the US or go to a remote cemetery with less heat.

Also if you are doing this for ritual purposes, the dead will protect you for the most part.

Dante Abiel

I can see where that would be difficult Cloud9. Especially in obtaining the kiyumba and various other artifacts here in the US. I’ll ask some contacts in Palo and see what insights they may have for you…

Working for years within the current 182 I’ve become a skilled fence scaler lol
I believe proper offerings and respect are indeed important so always follow tradition with such things. Kinda an interesting side note, these things at certain times can make one very disorientated as if drunk or high. My understanding is that the spirits and shades are much stronger at those late hours.

You can collect dirt at any time you choose so long as you pay and the spirit agrees.
Daylight will do have no effect on it. The important thing is that the dirt comes from a grave, thus, it is filled with death essence and attuned to the spirit (as this is the source of most of it’s energy).

I’ ve also had success with dirt collected in the day time how ever I still prefer my moonlit trips to the Masonic cemetary near my home.One suggestion is try Wolf and Goat they have an endless variety of dirts from everywhere if they don’t have it they will get it .You can get dirt from a murderer ,a priest a soldier … dirt from multiple cemetaries ,churches its the best selection I have seen

Agreed. Not only to know its authentic but also I have enough respect to want to know the name of whom I’m asking to work for me.

Does the graveyard gatekeeper usually have a major role in the selection of the spirits?
thanks in advance

[quote=“Student of Goetia, post:18, topic:355”]Does the graveyard gatekeeper usually have a major role in the selection of the spirits?
thanks in advance[/quote]

In my experience no, the gatekeeper or spirit of the cemetary is more of a land spirit or protector of the cemetary. You pay and thank it before entering and then you’ll be guided to a particular grave, make sure the dead agree to work with you (I use a pendulum for this) collect the dirt and leave a payment for the person in the grave. I usually leave 3, 7 or 9 pennies (depending on what I’m using the dirt for) one of those small bottles of whiskey you get at the counter of a liquor store and sometimes some tobacco.

Hey TWF and others who may have experience. How do you deal with the actual stewards who keep cemeteries? You know the physical people. Lol…are you able to gain access to tgehe cemetery legally? If so how? I’m sure there are no legal ways to dig up a dude and remove its head. But is it legal to use candles, rum ect at a site?