What's the nicest, helpful spirit you ever worked with?

Just need some help from a deity. So I gain knowledge, power and no pain(protection)


They are all helpful and wonderful! You simply need to do some research and use the search.

@Eliada - you know it’s a rule here to follow instructions sent by the mods namely find the intro thread and introduce yourself.

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personally only had that connection to Lucifer, I haven’t reached out to other spirits but I can say without doubt he was loving, is full of wisdom and knowledge and the good stuff we all want


just start researching in general and you will notice signs as you do so e.g. a particular name will pop up all over the place, or symbol will reveal it’s self connected to a deity ect …


Are you looking to evoke the spirit and be taught or invoke the spirit to gain all of its knowledge and power?

Knowledge and power

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Please check your PMs, green icon, top right - you have mail. :thumbsup:


If she CHOOSES you (not to be dogmatic, it’s just the general consensus and rather more a fact) the Morrigan is amazing. However it isn’t exactly always the easiest thing to do either, she will make you fight to show you how strong you are, your weaknesses and how you can work with that to be stronger. She’ll push you beyond your limits and help you soar to new heights. But she’s pretty selective.

HOWEVER, Bune is/was a great experience. So is Lugh. Hekate is an amazing goddess too. There’s so many.


I’ve only worked with Lucifer and Hecate so far but I’m going to say Lucifer is AMAZING. He will teach you if you are serious and he is BIG on telling the truth to him. When he asks you something, don’t sugarcoat or play on words. He has taught me much but he has a way of bringing things to the surface and forcing you to look at them and ask "why am I don’t this?, “how is this serving me?”. He gets to the root of things and yet is is SUPER understanding and patient.


Probably Qalmana or Paimon as far as politeness and just good manners. I agree that they are all wonderful and helpful.

Lucifer, Bune and if you’re up to the plate I’d say Azazel.

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My own experiences - the wonderful Andromalius, the gorgeous President Marbas (oh boy YES YES YES), the amazing Duke Dantalion, and the ever fabulous Lord Rosier. Oh I love you all my beautiful boys, oooooh and of course the divine horse himself Prince Orobas.

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Ellen my Dark Fae.

If you dont mind some hard hands on lessons, Shiva.


Shiva has been on my mind proper, invokation!

Astaroth she is very friendly

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Have fun :grin: just be precise in what you want out of working with him, posted a bit about my experiences with him and 2 other hindu deities here.


Pure destruction power I desire

in this moment

Isis :slight_smile: