What's the most evil and destructive curse which I can put on someone?

Using a cows tongue is a type of curse that will definitely shut them the hell up, and make their life miserable. You can easily get one from the supermarket meat department.

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Sounds like doubt i dont no many gods that doubt themselves. Even if it is not their area of expertise they find the resources and the means to have their will carried out

I already have one.

The thing is that I’m looking more for something deadly and devastating.

You can get a head of the Lernaean Hydra and it still won’t work if you are not into Greek mythology

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Yeah, but I don’t think that it’s about this in my case too.

The power is not in the cow tongue, that’s what I meant, new people fail to see those things even though they are well explained in the books of the authors of the balg company that they supposedly read.


I meant that I can’t do certain things because my parents don’t approve the things I do, like making rituals, spells, evoking, even though I’m 16 and I can choose my faith

I know this, lol. Just because I’m new on the forum it doesn’t mean I’m a newbie.

Then you wouldn’t be asking for curses, you would design your own

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With curses I don’t have too much experience and my experiences with it are kind of shady. I feel like I have to learn more and to ask for advice is never wrong.

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Well, that is my advice. Magick is just directing energy, the formule is the same, the objectives may vary


For some people is not easy to enrage themselves at command in order to direct that energy

You don’t need to enrage yourself, you only need a clear intention and the forces that work with you thinking that it is a good idea


That depends on what your willing to pay, as is the law, what are you willing to lose over this hatred of said individual. I would research into what you ask, make sure your intent is in the wright place, intention is going to be the power in most situations.


If the end goal is to kill, this is needed, unless you’re willing to wait I don’t know how many years or have minor things to happen to the target like a superficial injury or something.

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Can you explain more this? Also, your profile looks very intriguing :slight_smile: Why did you choose green to represent you? :joy: It reminds me of aliens

Also, happy 2020!

Not really, you just need that the forces that work with you think that it’s a good idea, if it is needed and they care about you, it will happen, if nothing happens, they either don’t care about you or it wasn’t necessary


you mean spirits? I think of those “forces” or “spirits” or whatever you’re reffering to in a different way. I think of them as a bridge which makes the connection with the other part of the land, if you get what I mean, something which can amplify, catalyze. There are few words in English which can express fully what I mean.

Then I cannot help you

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