What's the most evil and destructive curse which I can put on someone?

As the title says, what’s the curse which can cause the most violent outcome to someone’s life. I was in fear of my safety. I’ve heard about that curse with the tongue of a cow


Yup. Cows tongue is a good ingredient for curses. You make a slit down the middle of the tongue, not quite cutting it through, place a piece of paper with your intended targets name and date of birth folded in the cut. Fill it with your baneful herbs of choice, and as you’re driving needles and nails through the tongue to seal it together, state your intention and really fill the tongue with your wrath and anger and focus on your intention. Make sure to protect yourself from any backfiring. Once done, you bury the tongue off your property and you do not look back as you walk away.


It would be good to bury it in a grave if im right

Can you name herbs which are considered to be baneful?

I don’t have date of births, but I can replace with other things

Idk, there are cameras and also the people would see that I’m doing things in the cemetery and would look weird at me and I can get in a stupid situation and also it would make me feel weird to do this in a cemetery.

Bury anywhere but not on ur property

What can I use to bury it? I can’t use a shovel

Hold on, it is crucial however to work with a spirit to manage the delivery through you though I believe;

*The physical aspect is to ground that intention somewhere in this world physically.

Dra’talon woul be a good spirit for this?

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Belladonna, Henbane, Wolfsbane, Posion Hemlock, Hellebore, things like that. Be careful with those things. They are deadly.


I know that belladonna is also used as a drug. Unfortunately, I can’t have acces to these herbs. Maybe if it was summer or something. Another herbs to which I can have easy acces? Coriander and ginger are some choices for me

You can buy these herbs dried online in places like ebay.


Ebay is not an option for me (or any online market)

He’s a kid and he is under watch of parents.

There are curses that require nothing. Remember, you are the tool.


Not really, I can put my hands on a few things, but I have some limitations.

From what I know it would also work to use something like “my enemies” or “the ones who are causing me harm or want to harm me” or something among these lines

I’ve heard about that thing with backfire and even watched some videos in which it got explained, but I kind of forgot the principles. Why it would backfire on me? If I don’t think that there’s any possibility that this will happen

It’s definitely not Karma.

It’s usually due to ignorance so “be careful” is a stupid admonition to consider, as most times you won’t know until it happens. Do your research.


Can you translate to me? :joy:

Spells can “go wrong” when you don’t do research.


Update: I’m currently scared and don’t know if I’m safe