I have plenty, and they’re not ‘almost’ miracles. They’re straight up you-wouldn’t-believe-me-if-i-told-you-so-i-keep-silent miracles.
Not only do i have a bunch of miracles i’ve done myself, i have a bunch done by people who simply took my advice. They came back to me sometimes a year later, sometimes 2 years later telling me ‘holy shit XXX, magick actually works!’
Here’s just one example of something i did for this site:
I challenged James Randi to monitor my weather magick, for shits and giggles.
I emailed JREF outlining the conditions of my ritual. I told them i was going to pick the driest region on the planet and cause it to rain for a week. I told them i was going to bring more rainfall in a week to that region than it usually has in a year. I told them success for my ritual is that the region has at least 5 times more rainfall in a week than they usually have in a year, going back 20 years to account for accidents. I told them i would pick a region that had been desert for over 50 years. I then outlined exactly what i was going to do, and exactly how i was going to do it, including the machines i was going to use, and how long i would use them for. Seeing as how i live in Toronto (the same city as Randi lived in), i invited him to observe me doing the event in person. I even gave him a deadline for when he could expect results or the ritual would be called off as a dud.
Being a miserable little shit, he didn’t respond. I guess i wasn’t emotional or illiterate enough for him to mock. I figure Randi needs you to be an illiterate, emotionally unstable SJW dabbler to qualify as an occultist by his standards. That type of magician is easy to make fun of, and that was JREF’s real mandate: to find amateur occultists, and make public fun of their ineptitude, all in the name of ‘science’ (which we all know was founded by alchemists, magicians).
I waited 5 months to hear back from JREF. Nothing.
Being that i’m from Canada, i know exactly how passive-aggressive weasels act. Canada is infested with passive-aggressives. When they can’t mock you, they resort to wasting your time.
After 5 months, i decided Randi had wasted enough of my time and i was going to go ahead without him.
I then did my weather magick exactly as i told him i was going to do it, and emailed his team to watch and learn.
2 months after i did my ritual, there was an outpour of rain on Tamanrasset, Algeria that lasted a week. Some people died. It had been the first time that much rain had fallen in Tamanrasset in hundreds of years. There was also a lot of rainfall over many parts of North Africa and Europe. A lot of flooding happened at that time, but i wasn’t surprised; when i began broadcasting, there was HUGE cloud cover over the Atlantic Ocean, which i’m glad didn’t hit land. Otherwise, many cities would have been destroyed on either side of the ocean. Knowing what i know now, i hope i never raise that much rainfall over land. I raised enough rain to flatten entire countries. Grateful the clouds were over water.
Over the course of the next 10 months, flooding and mudslides occurred across West Africa, moving westward. A lot of property damage was done and dozens of people died. I’m not proud of that, but there you go.
When it was all said and done, scientists discovered this ancient riverbed under the Sahara Desert, using satellite x-ray technology. Reports were that there was a huge rush of freshwater hammering just offshore in the Atlantic Ocean; apparently, the point where the river water meets seawater is an underwater waterfall, and there was so much water rushing into the ocean that it caused a disturbance scientists could spot from hundreds of miles in space.
If that riverbed was active, it would be the 8th largest river in the world.
Tamanrassett was the location of its headwater.
I had no idea that would happen as result of my magick, but it did.
Technically, Randi owes me a million dollars for doing that. I can honestly say i won Randi’s old million dollar challenge. But he was a grimy little shit and never had any plans of handing a thing over to a competent magician. Soon after i did my ritual, Randi closed the challenge. Then he died. Pussy.
I don’t expect JREF to hand over the prize, but i know i did everything they said to do, and i know my magick made shit happen.
JREF is a sham club that gives off nothing but fucking excuses when you step to them with real magick that gets real results. Don’t take those idiots seriously. They’re all mouth, all complaining, all fingerpointing, all excuses, all cowardice.
Fuck JREF.
But i digress.
That’s just one of the many things i’ve done with my magick. Not even the most impressive, either. All done sight unseen, using an altar and setup that would make you laugh at its simplicity.