I’ve heard of VooDoo Voudoun, HooDoo … what are the distinctions, and the basic precepts of each (or any)? Are there any other traditions that are direct off-shoots?
In my experience, which is limited mind you, there isn’t much of a difference between the three you’ve mentioned. However, I know there are off shoot, such as Yoruba. However, I don’t know much about the ancient path, so this requires more investigation. Grumbles off into the library to study
Houdou is the Magick workings - Voudon is the cloked religion… behind Catholic icons when they were taken as slaves…
There are several places on the planet that are old places where the Current is concentrated historically.
The Lineage is kind of confusing to me - like Christianity and its offshoots - however the Voudon is not contradictory or factionned as far as I know due to any kind of conflict in beleifs…
The French visited Haiti and took alot of the Western Sigil and Colour and Day of the Week type information including colours etc and boosted some aspects of Voudon, and the Houngans exchange some knowledge with them to boost the Dragon Rouge.
There is alot of cross mixing with some elements however - its a pretty tightly closed door.
I have studied it intensley - and paid through the nose for a now revised and re-released book - which is almost unusable called the Gnostic Voudon Workbook… and what a prick it is to read…
EA’s book - The Spider and the Green Butterfly is excellent.
All I know is that the Loa were co creators and guardians left behind as part of creation here on this planet - other than that - they have different Loa for different specialties…
The Loa are Mighty and of varying ‘Characters and Personalities’…
Voudon is not man controlling the spirits - its the spirits controlling man…
That is my view of things - however they do reward well and punish severely.
I had read a passage, not sure where now - that they once knew slavery and are determined to never be in that position again - so I would say there is a good reason they are the way they are…
But anyway - thats is the outline of what I know of it… and I am not initiated… but it has facinated me - but as I have been warned about it - I put it out of my mind… and move on… fear tactic or not - I think its good practice not to obsess. I just wanted to answer what I knew.
Evangelos, thank you so much for the details. I’m sure some of the others will be inspired by your comments to quote further …
I had a specific reason for asking. About 5 or 6 years ago, I was visiting the French Quarter with a few friends, just enjoying the atmosphere of the night-time street when a most extraordinary experience came to me. Because it was in New Orleans, I thought maybe Voudon? But why?
A man approached me - a positively Ancient man - walked right up to me and stopped about a foot away. He gazed into my eyes so intently I could not breathe; not at all threatening, but deeply, with purpose, for a full minute. It was like time stopped. I felt as though he were embracing me with his Soul. And then this Amazing Being took a knee …to ME! And bowed his head! My eyes overflowed with tears & I felt so thoroughly humbled … so Known and Accepted. (Words seem so flat here.) My hand went of its own volition to his head and it was like an electric signal. Then in one fluid instant he was up and gone, into the crowd. SInce then that man has been in my heart & in my soul and I adore him and I don’t know why. WHAT HAPPENED?
EDIT- The best I’ve come up with (and I’ve come up with alot in 5-6 years) is that maybe I’m a reincarnation of somebody???