What's the deal with telepathically never talking about it outloud?

So I’ve noticed just about everyone that able to speak telepathicly never are willing to talk about it outloud I only sometimes can hear and haven’t Hurd a human for a long time but have projected befor to listening to two friends of mine talk about my current status they were in the room with me but we’re all in there minds. Those friends were trying to help me learn but others like my father and Uncle I’ve Hurd them talk to each other with there minds while they were saying stuff like that isn’t real… Why is it always so secretive? I’ve also had a VIP talk to me with his mind and another tv host told me dude I’m filming when I tried to converse with him.

Because nobody normal believes you. They don’t I believe can feel their feelings, or know things I shouldn’t either. Boyfriend knew these things about me and still freaked out the first 2 or 3 times he experienced any of them.

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I know the concept can be hard to swallow for some but I’m referring to those who are more intune and able to actively have conversations with there minds, it just feels like if you can’t join them with your mind they won’t talk to you about it.

Sounds like you at least got the boy friend to believe now, that’s good. I’ve never really been able to tap into the wisdom like you refer in time I will. It just seems like those who know don’t want to talk about it I remebeR putting a song I o a friend’s head then mentioning the song and he was like omg you too I told him I put in your head and he didn’t say anything another time with same friend I was trying o talk to him tele and he just said stop dude outloud. On rare occasion he will talk about stuff like that. On the bright side my mom I can talk about stuff like that with she isn’t that capable but knows about it’s truth. Anyways thanx for replying.