What's the characteristics of the theta-gamma sync state?

Good morning magicians
I Realized that my magical results was weak because I don’t get to the proper state as I doing them
And surfing the forums (which is fantastic ,It has a Soul of it’s own )
I Found that the state I was Aiming for Is the theta-gamma sync state
so I’m Wondering about 2 questions in my mind
1-What Exactly ( or generally) Should the person feels,see,or hear when He enters into this trance state ?
2-Is this deep state is Required for doing Hermetic Rituals such as LBRP
Or For This Kind of Rituals I only Need some kind of light trance (few deep breaths and a relaxed state is enough?) ?
And thanks for all the magicians here For the great informations

If you have access to Evoking Eternity (or probably any of his other books), EA describes it when he guides you through the Invoking Omnipotence exercise.

What does it feel like? Probably unique to each practitioner. To me, after performing the invoking omnipotence exercise, I feel a buzzing/tingling through my whole body, as if I had done energy stimulation to my whole body at once. I also feel a mild “good feeling” or bliss, accompanied by nice warm rushes of energy up my spine. My mind is quiet and receptive, as if I had used a presence or mind-quieting exercise.

I’m certainly not an expert yet, but I seem to have enough power to perform my basic rituals with it, and it is getting faster and easier each time.

It is worth practicing the exercise on its own daily, or even many times a day, so you can master it. Just like you wouldn’t attempt to learn how to swim only when you’ve fallen out of a boat, you also wouldn’t only practice your swimming in similarly difficult situations.

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[quote=“redcircle, post:2, topic:556”]If you have access to Evoking Eternity (or probably any of his other books), EA describes it when he guides you through the Invoking Omnipotence exercise.

What does it feel like? Probably unique to each practitioner. To me, after performing the invoking omnipotence exercise, I feel a buzzing/tingling through my whole body, as if I had done energy stimulation to my whole body at once. I also feel a mild “good feeling” or bliss, accompanied by nice warm rushes of energy up my spine. My mind is quiet and receptive, as if I had used a presence or mind-quieting exercise.

I’m certainly not an expert yet, but I seem to have enough power to perform my basic rituals with it, and it is getting faster and easier each time.

It is worth practicing the exercise on its own daily, or even many times a day, so you can master it. Just like you wouldn’t attempt to learn how to swim only when you’ve fallen out of a boat, you also wouldn’t only practice your swimming in similarly difficult situations.[/quote]
Thanks alot redcircle
That makes alot of sense I have to practice Daily ,That What I was missing
Thanks again

im praticing now to get into that state, well… its not being very easy to me.
I entered that state one time and it was in a ritual and i didnt even know that it was a trance lol, and the ritual had some results, but weak ones =/

I hope i can dominate into getting to tetha-gamma state soon

(im trying the omniscience program method by the way…)

I felt some weakness on my legs…and not all that static rain in the air, but like 1~3 dots of light flashing very fast and then all dissapear, the dots and the weakness and i tried hard for not analyse those stuff
haha i will need like 30-50 tries i guess =( 1 month maybe for learning into getting to theta gamma

Some other discussion on this topic:


If you want to fast-track yourself into the theta-gamma sync, and then further into the Rapture, start using the fire scrying exercise I give in the Mastering Divination Course!


Would it work with a candle’s flame? I guess im slow at spiritual stuff and i would spend lots of money in alcohol haha!

i tried a candle, but it just made my eyes sore. a flame does help trigger the sync, but it feels a little forced. i didn’t like the experience, so i don’t use fire now.

an effective method is using religious litany. the enochian keys in the back of the satanic bible work fine (obviously, use the enochian version), or “das tierdrama” from LaVey’s satanic rituals. the german sounds barbarous enough to induce trance, assuming you’re not so fluent in german that it makes complete sense to you. unfortunately, as this is a more active process, it’s difficult to tell precisely when trance state has been achieved, as your conscious mind remains stimulated.

the coloured candle meditations in WoD work well too, and triggered (in me, at least) very significant psychic development, including experience with the sync.

kind regards, james.