Whats our role or responsiblity?

Greetings to All,

  So I was thinking about the changes that are occurring in the world around us, specifically within the political realm of our nation (and for those of you who don’t reside within North America, you can apply this to the country that you currently reside in).  My question is this: What, if any, is our responsibility within these realms, and what changes do we think we should or desire to change through our practice? Now I do not want to turn this into a political discussion because I’m sure that we all have our own political affiliations or at least views on how we think things should be run and the opinions will definitely cover a vast spectrum.  
 I know (at least for me that is) that it can be difficult to involve oneself in the political realm along with all the other things that we have going on within our lives (family, day job, our own ritual work, progression towards Ascent, etc…) and it can seem somewhat pointless to concern ourselves with it.  However, it is these changes (or lack of changes) that will shape our society and eventually trickle down to every person within that society.  So….should we do anything about it? Have you already done something or working towards manifesting a change whether it be for yourself or for a certain demographic of people?  Now I’m not asking whether you did some baneful work to ‘off’ some politician or senator (which may actually do our nation some good, but that’s another topic altogether), but what, if any, have you thought about or desired to cause.  If you don’t feel comfortable sharing details for whatever reason, that’s cool.  I’m curious to know what everyone’s thought are on this.

I was going to try to use magic to influence a local politician once but talked about it too much online, as a result someone tried to attack me. So any thoughs I have on this matter are classified information. My opinion though is hte current political structure is so hopelessly corrupt, the only reasonable thing to do is to chop it off and replace it with something better.

After years of study and synthesis, it is my conclusion that:

  1. any worthwhile political system will rest heavily on the involvement of its citizenry

  2. people will get no better of a system than they are ready for

  3. “readiness” and “involvement” from 1 and 2 above, are based on the education, level of consciousness development, and ethical integrity of the people involved

With these things in mind, I have also concluded that at my personal level, it is much more fruitful to work on raising the level of consciousness of people in order to make effective change. By way of contrast, military or political victory and change alone are largely ineffective at producing the kinds of changes I would like to see, because of the intense and unsatisfying work involved, and due to the fact that it only has potential to minorly change the items above.

In a nutshell, I don’t think you can effectively change the system from within the political system, nor can you do so with a military coup. You merely take responsibility for the system without changing much of it - if the people aren’t actually ready for the change, the system will decay in short notice. History shows this in blinding clarity - the only lasting revolutions have occurred when people were actually ready for them. While when people ARE ready, revolutions are fairly rapid, or even unnecessary.

An analogy for this is the principle of leverage and inertia. If you have a large boulder sitting in a depression, it may be too much for you to move alone. You may be able to move it with a dozen people, you maybe be able to move it by digging a pathway downslope, you may be able to make use of a lever. Forcing the boulder is very slow-going, and may result in the boulder falling back in place. But by making conditions right for it to move, applying proper leverage, or both - then you just might get it closer to where you want it to go. Or maybe you smash the boulder, and the pebbles are much easier to move - but then how do you make it a boulder again? A lot of hard work, perhaps more than leaving it intact in the first place.

This isn’t to say I’m hopeless about the prospect of change, on the contrary. But unless you can change the people, you could easily spend your whole life on making change and perhaps accomplish nothing. Or you could succeed, only to have the heirs of your legacy fuck it up again.

If the people are ready (elevated, educated, participating), the change will come as effortlessly as if your smoothed and polished boulder were on a well-prepared path and you were holding a superbly positioned lever.

We are in the Kali Yuga, and we are nowhere near its end. The masses of featherless bipeds of our time are, seen from the vantage of the eternal, absolutely worthless. Action outside of oneself is thus worthless. My preparations for war against certain persons, groups, and currents of interest have, therefore, nothing to do with an intention to alter the world, but are born purely out of an inner necessity of my being. I fight because to take any other course of action would be beneath my dignity.

Personally I don’t feel we have a role or responsibility to the masses. IMHO most don’t care enough to speak up let alone stand up to the corruption that is flagrantly evident in our political/economic system. They seem more than happy with cookie cutter politicians who all have the same lines, push the same agendas and never say anything that diverts public attention from texting, internet porn and the latest celebrity gossip. Redcircle said people will get no better system than what they’re ready for. I say they get no better system than what they deserve.

I’ve got better things to do with my time and resources.

I second TWF’s response…but there is always time for internet porn…always.

Well, representative governance was a scam from the beginning. And part of the process of becoming a magician is getting past the cultural scams - particularly those of justice, rights, and obligation. This is all just mindless ceremonial shenanigans. It’s the left-brain way of thinking that’s ruining everything to begin with.

We have to realize that in the current system 90% of people’s problems are psychological. When most people are talking about oppression,they’re muddling psychological problems with concrete ones. Youth protests, for example, are coming from a point of view of extreme self-disempowerment. All we can do is stand back and chant while holding signs while mommy and daddy run the world to our detriment. They’re protesting because they FEEL powerless - which is a THINKING problem first, not a material problem.

I want to address the complaint about the dullard masses with their boring distractions. You do have to realize that these people live in totally-controlled artificial environment from birth. You have to take into account that their condition is because of what’s been done to them. Our school system and food are designed to produce mentally limited people who find learning and clear thinking biologically difficult. That doesn’t excuse them by a long shot. But you have to keep in mind the things they love aren’t awful in and of themselves. There’s nothing wrong with television, video games, pornography, etc. Everything is a tool, and everything is a trap.

I don’t believe we’re in a position to help others until we help ourselves. And I think we should ruthlessly avoid any left-brained conceptualizations of how the world “ought” to be, because people have the potential to fix themselves right now as they are. They don’t NEED the world to change. They need to change themselves. And count me out of the apocalypse scenarios. I see a parting of paths between conscious people and the snoozers, but I don’t see civilization coming to an end. The exact same people have been saying the world economy and infrastructure is going to collapse next Tuesday since at least the 1940’s - and they’re always selling something.

If we REALLY want to cause change in this place (world), then the basic structures of mind (literally what and how we think about ourselves and 'the world") must be changed along with an understanding that their is ONLY one thing that we can change…ourselves.

Now, I’m not talking about Magick being used to “change” physical Reality and our circumstances…different argument.

Fundamentally we must first change the Self, introduce the concept of Sacredness again, focus more on the people we love in our lives, then take this Power to the local society. In theory I believe this would spread to the Greater Society.

But for me, I would love to see us go back to tribal societies again, where killing animals for food was a sacred act, sex wasn’t “bad”, Magick and The Priesthood wasn’t “perverted”, and Man had more communion with The Gods.

All political structures on this planet are made up of human-beings. Man (most of us) by nature is a brutal and selfish creature. We are the only species on this planet that has and still enslaves its own kind.

Personally I stay out of the political arena. I’ve never voted ever because I know that my vote doesn’t matter. Corporations fun societies. Now, these things in themselves aren’t bad or evil. But as a practitioner my goal is Absolute Power to raise myself (key word) up to GOD. No one is going to do this for me…no God, no Government, no woman, child, or parent.

I, the individual, must be willing to conquer the fear of this current incarnation.

“May I free myself ('cause no one else can do it for me) from my OWN crucifixion nails of Tanha (craving)”

  • Mode_439

There’s a lot truth and wisdom here people…especially the part about agreeing with me.

I agree with Sultitan, our culture has become a blame shifting unempowered joke in the last couple decades. Protesting and rallying do nothing to change things. It didn’t work in the 60’s and its not going to work now. It’s easier to blame somebody than admit that we choose to live the way we do. I always ask people that bitch about politics if they’ve ever ran for office to put their “good” ideas into action. Not once have I ever heard a yes. It’s easier to hope somebody will come along and make it all better.

I don’t blame sports, video games, porn, tv, gambling, drugs or any of the other scapegoats of pop culture. I blame the people because even when presented with cold hard truth they choose to ignore it in favor of the fantasy world they live in just so they can bitch about how “this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be”. As far as them being born in a controlled environment, I agree but weren’t we all? I wasn’t raised in a secret society having ancient wisdom bestowed upon me. Some choose to seek truth while others don’t. I don’t blame them for living like they do, shit sometimes I kick myself for looking into a lot of the stuff that led me to see what a farce consensus reality is. If ignorance is bliss knowledge is a kick in the nuts. I miss the days of swimming in an oblivion of stupidity, things were easier but I didn’t like not thinking for myself or having questions I wasn’t supposed to ask.

Something that really resonated with me from BOA was the part about damnation, abandoning hope. Hope leads nowhere, nobody is coming to save you, no one is going to make it better for you, there are no happy endings unless you make them yourself. Get off your ass make life what you want it.

[quote=“waltyrs, post:1, topic:1300”]Greetings to All,

  So I was thinking about the changes that are occurring in the world around us, specifically within the political realm of our nation (and for those of you who don’t reside within North America, you can apply this to the country that you currently reside in).  My question is this: What, if any, is our responsibility within these realms, and what changes do we think we should or desire to change through our practice? Now I do not want to turn this into a political discussion because I’m sure that we all have our own political affiliations or at least views on how we think things should be run and the opinions will definitely cover a vast spectrum.  
 I know (at least for me that is) that it can be difficult to involve oneself in the political realm along with all the other things that we have going on within our lives (family, day job, our own ritual work, progression towards Ascent, etc…) and it can seem somewhat pointless to concern ourselves with it.  However, it is these changes (or lack of changes) that will shape our society and eventually trickle down to every person within that society.  So….should we do anything about it? Have you already done something or working towards manifesting a change whether it be for yourself or for a certain demographic of people?  Now I’m not asking whether you did some baneful work to ‘off’ some politician or senator (which may actually do our nation some good, but that’s another topic altogether), but what, if any, have you thought about or desired to cause.  If you don’t feel comfortable sharing details for whatever reason, that’s cool.  I’m curious to know what everyone’s thought are on this.[/quote]


FOR THE LAST 40+ YEARS, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS HAVE HAD PSYCHIC PROTECTION ASSIGNED TO THEM. many people whom have all had the idea of intervening in politics without this knowledge, have had to acquire it at cost of the experience of meeting these people.

Trust me, there are a lot of really good magicians who are hired by the Vatican and the governments in Europe, England, Russia, the United States, and to a lesser degree Canada. The Cartels in Mexico have a very special bunch of black magicians they each work with. They are hired to work toward for the government or criminal groups, and keep them in control.


I won’t tell you what I’ve done, because I’m not retarded. If you had suits showing up to your door after a series of particularly nasty rituals, you might feel the same way too.

So in that sense, I’m long retired, but for those looking advice…Do not despair, you can do this far easier than you ever imagined.

I have had to fight enough malevolent magicians who had no reason to attack me, even among my own friends and family to know that the knowledge you will find, you will most probably find incredibly useful one day. One day when you’re in need of something nasty to surprise someone who’s truly deserving of it.

I am not going to fight, nor am I going to teach you to fight, but if you want to learn, I can point you in the direction of someone who will teach you.

If you want to learn how to fight, I immediately urge you to get a copy of every one of Uncle Chuckie’s ebooks (they are free on his site and many places on the internet), and build a radionic box. Also, get a partner or 3 to do this with. Do not display any public involvement with this material, and be careful just what you say and where you say it :wink: …I trust you’ve been watching the news lately…

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

I think its a poor king who doesn’t leave his kingdom in better condition than when he received it.

I think that pretty much sums things up, I have a lot more to say on this but I think it will make more sense if I give a great context to my whole philosophy… so stay tuned for that when I get around to lining all my thoughts up with presentable logic.

“Something that really resonated with me from BOA was the part about damnation, abandoning hope. Hope leads nowhere, nobody is coming to save you, no one is going to make it better for you, there are no happy endings unless you make them yourself. Get off your ass make life what you want it.”

  • TWF

This has been my life experienced thus far. It HAS been my Truth.

So to Frater, in your case did you actually tell anyone about the rituals you were doing? Or did those guys in dark suits just show up even without you saying anything?