What would you think if

What would you think was happening if you were alone in a room reading a book silently when suddenly it felt as if you were completely ensconced in some cold field of energy that stirred up a strange, tremendously strong feeling of something physically similar to fear (yet you are not afraid) and mentally similar to anger (yet you are not angry)?

I had this happen twice to me over the last few days, and I think I know what was happening, but I’d like to hear what you think.

Possibly something is coming to visit?


Expressive, emotional currents. It definitely says something about what currents this spirit is working with, doesn’t it? I don’t know who it is, though. I’m just familiar with these kind of experiences.


Which currents would you say were involved?

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Dark currents. Not necessarily projected against you, but projected to you from whoever that spirit was. Fear and anger are emotionally expressive currents of the darker spectrum. A defensive response for survival. You never felt threatened by this, so it wasn’t projected to you. It has to represent something else, a power and an ability that specific spirits can tap into. And maybe that spirit can help you overcome fear and anger?

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What came to mind was a living person (or a spirit they sent, I guess) was taking a peek at me, sizing me up.

I don’t know this person and they don’t know me, but I reached out to them twice for different reasons and shortly after I reached out (and before I got a response) I felt engulfed by this energy I described.

During the second time I felt this, I tried taking a peek back and I think i got confirmation that it was them… But then again I’m still unsure of my abilities :confused:

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