What Would You Sacrifice?

For your Ascent, I mean. What would you give? How little, or how much would you personally sacrifice for power?

Me personally I would give everything in the name of power. My security, my family, my sanity, my physical body- I would sacrifice it all to become as powerful as needed.

So I extend this question to you, reader.

What would you sacrifice?

Anything, its just a question of WHEN I choose to sacrifice. “Ascent” seems to just be “the path” to me, so Ill do whatever is necessary to meet my goals. Living in the infinite, I dont think that anything is truely ever lost anyway.

Ascent is bullshit. An illusion. You are already ascended. If you can “ascend” or “become more powerful”, then you already are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do it.

“Every man and every woman is a star”.

[quote=“Elison, post:3, topic:2771”]Ascent is bullshit. An illusion. You are already ascended. If you can “ascend” or “become more powerful”, then you already are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do it.

“Every man and every woman is a star”.[/quote]
I prefer to think of it more as “remembering”

In ancient Kabbalah, the “climbing” on the Tree of Life started from the top, from Kether, and going down to Malkuth, for example.

That’s awesome for ancient times. Nowadays it seems people have a lot more of their own bullshit to wade through before starting any real work

[quote=“TheLotusEater, post:4, topic:2771”][quote=“Elison, post:3, topic:2771”]Ascent is bullshit. An illusion. You are already ascended. If you can “ascend” or “become more powerful”, then you already are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do it.

“Every man and every woman is a star”.[/quote]
I prefer to think of it more as “remembering”[/quote]

I like to think of them as ‘Holy Fuck’ moments.

People’s bullshit is the monkey mind. It’s all bullshit in your mind, but more bullshit is to “work through out the bullshit” to get rid of it.

Basically the first need is just to destroy the “mask” that the mind creates, is a cumulus of bullshit that manifest of a permanent muscular tension in everybody. That experience unlocks the top of the head and the origin of the muscular tension, thats where magic and realization begins.

In that sense you’re already ascended and you’re just reconfiguring things here. Because “human” is not an “unholy” thing, is more like if everyone is under a spell that makes you think you’re.

It depends on ones definition of ascent, one mans rise to power is another’s ego trip. I don’t feel there should be anything sacrificed that’s of any real value. I think of it more as cleaning out your garage of shit you don’t need to make more room for the stuff you do need.

People’s bullshit is the monkey mind. It’s all bullshit in your mind, but more bullshit is to “work through out the bullshit” to get rid of it.

Basically the first need is just to destroy the “mask” that the mind creates, is a cumulus of bullshit that manifest of a permanent muscular tension in everybody. That experience unlocks the top of the head and the origin of the muscular tension, thats where magic and realization begins.

In that sense you’re already ascended and you’re just reconfiguring things here. Because “human” is not an “unholy” thing, is more like if everyone is under a spell that makes you think you’re.[/quote]
At this point its just semantics. What you just said is MY definition of one of the first phases of ascent, or remembering. If you dont remember your true nature because of all the shit thats floating around in your head, then you’re not on the ascension path, you havnt remembered, or else you wouldnt let yourself be tossed around by the monkey mind. Control over one’s thoughts and emotions, to me, is one of the true hallmarks of a self-actualized person.

And you know, regarding things that you care about and you’re asked to sacrifice them… What I always say: sacrifice is for the weak. If you’re not strong enough to hold onto the things you care about, then you don’t deserve what you could get by sacrificing them.

Saying “yes” to one thing is always going to mean saying “no” to another.

I’m happy with my choices so far and wouldn’t trade them to be like the people I know who have no driving passion in their lives, they just seem to bitch endlessly about things they have no intention of changing (jobs, partners, weight, car), and they spend their leisure time obsessing about what celebrities, or politicians, or any other group of slightly more driven people are doing.

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Sacrum facere: “to make sacred”. A meaning perhaps a bit skewed from its original sense by subsequent foreign spiritualities?

That’s duality. It doesn’t really exist.

“Every number is infinite. There’s no exception.”

2 = two times 1. 1 is everywhere.

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Only if you have Hermione Granger’s time turner! :slight_smile:

I have 24 hours in a day and some things have to be put aside to do magick/occult/spiritual stuff - I’m still playing catchup from last week, clearing 3 days to do that work with Azi Dahaka, for example.

There are also things that are important, but less of a priority to me than magick, which affects where my attention and money goes.

Holy Fuck!

And I thought I was the first smartass to figure out the Tree of Life would work better that way >_>


Yeah, I dont feel like sacrificing for something. I cant even put myself as inferior to something, so how can I obtain anything through sacrifice?

I don’t think sacrifice is the right word. I think people should unite the higher and lower to become a whole person. To say that ascent is obtaining ultimate power is misleading to me. Because even if you obtain power, it can easily corrupt and destroy you. Which defeats the whole concept of ascent in the first place.
And personally, I see the willingness to give everything up as a hallmark of bad greed. Being greedy isn’t a bad thing, but in excess it can do a lot of harm. Hence why a person should unite the celestial and chthonic selves, to achieve balance/moderation between the two.

Okay I have to ask, HOW? And why? And by whose standards?

Because otherwise, the gist of your post sounds like “healing is all well and good, but ultimately we must not disturb a person’s need to learn through adversity” that I heard plenty of from love and light healing modalities, so I have to ask this because I don’t even begin to think I have all the answers.

I was talking with another magician about this. We both agreed that while “ascent” can mean different things to different people, the basic interpretation is “personal development”. I sacrifice sleep, entertainment, and comfort for my ascent. I know that there are somethings that I am attached to that I will have to give up for ascent but I have drawn my own personal line that I won’t cross (or won’t cross easily).

If a spirit tells me that I have to literally eat shit in public to be humiliated so I can break my self delusions, no dice. I will take away the idea that I need to take a hard look at myself and maybe I need some humility, but I won’t go THAT far.

And there are somethings I won’t give up, because I know my life is better for having these things or people in my life. I understand that destruction is necessary for creation, but not always.

My 3 cents.

Absolutely nothing. These ideas are why folks aren’t able to walk in their potential as easily as they can tie their own shoes. People will talk about being part of the "One"m being the Creator, and yet sacrifice comes in. To whom are you sacrificing if you are indeed the intrinsic “One” realizing itself? “Here Me, I give my body to… my body??” It’s all just a game we play with ourselves, and in most people who have really “gotten” to this realization are not writing books about it, nor are they known to the general public.