What were those weird dark shadows?

My boyfriend was over last night and he was talking about when he was three his parents split and they lived in this old, creepy house. He would hear them talking in low voices. He could not make out what they were saying at all. They used to poke him in the ribs. This happened between the ages of three and five. I didn’t know what they could be when he told me. The good news is that he left the house before he was six.

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doesn’t mention hurting people physically

Parasites, they are rampant right now.

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We also have some shadow people in our house but they just scurry around at nighttime or hide small things to annoy us. But they never touch or talk… they could be the same? :thinking:
Did the poking hurt?

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The bottom feeders of the spirit world essentially.


Does not mean they can’t or won’t.

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Think of it this way we have many species of animals on this plant and each of them have many sub-species. Just because a species acts one way, does not mean there is not a sub-species that will act a totally different way.

I think I put that in a coherent manner. @AdamThoth if you think there is a better way I could have put it please feel free to say so.


Yeah but it was more shocking apparently. He also used to have bruises on his flanks that made his father think that it was more than a nightmare.

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