What type of Chocolate does Lilith like?

I’ll look into it. Thanks :slight_smile:

Here I’ll find the one I use and share it with you.

Renich Viasa avage Lilith lirach

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That sounds like an excellent idea :slight_smile:

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Is that in Latin?

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Most likely. Use Google translate.

Well maybe not since it is an enn, but I dunno.

No, it is not Latin. Enns are purported to be in the demonic language.


Hmm…enochian (if I have the spelling right)?

Enochian is angelic language, not demonic.

What’s the demonic language called then?

It doesn’t have a name as far as I am aware. It’s usually just referred to as the demonic tongue.

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If you are interested in learning more about the demonic language, try calling upon Fastos. He is the one who has provided many of the the mantras posted by Micah on the forum, and might know if the language has an actual name.


Lilith can’t literally eat the chocolate so after you offer it, you eat it before it expires, or you bury it.


I know she can’t literally eat it. I thought she conumes the energy or something of it (which is why people say to leave it out for 24 hours) then you discard it through the elements.

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