What to request from Naa'mah in a pact?

Does anyone know what one should ask for from Naa’mah? Like what is her area of expertise? Very much into her and her energy, but I am not sure what to request from her


All I know from Naamah is that she is considered either a sister, a daughter or a mask of Lilith. My experience with her is through Qliphothic initiantion, which is very specific to the Qlipha she reigns over.

You don’t necessarily have to start off with a pact, imho.
You can start off connecting to the energy and sit with it and let it influence you and/ or invoking and ask her to guide you.

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I’ve already done that, been feeling her energy, spreading her sigil, she seems to empower you to be sexually attractive, is one of the main areas of her expertise. I think it’s time to move onto the pact

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She can be asked for most material things.

what if i want to set up a tantra healing business? I think she might be very good to ask for that, as I had read she was the patron spirit of prostitutes. Not that I am suggesting prostitution, but tantra healing definitely has a sexual element to it. I’ll keep it open ended, saying that if she wants to suggest other paths to building money and wealth, I am open to it, not just the tantra healing business path.

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According to a former member of the forum, she is a very materialistic goddess and likes the finer things in life.


Also Shadow work, she‘s more „motherly“ than Lilith from what I experienced. She‘s also a good teacher when it comes to Astral travel, Shapeshifting ; Divination, Vampirism and Glamour magick. I even think she‘d gladly assist baneful magick.


Naamah has many facets.

One of which is musical, dancing and seduction.

She was also the wife of Noah and connected to the watchers. Azazel, especially…


Can you please share the ritual on how you will make a pact with her?

I just draw her sigil out, and enn, and then write my request and what i will do in return on the same paper, then sit down in the meditation pose. I do rapid nose breathing, called “Kapil bhatti” for about 2 to 3 minutes, and this really gets you high, brings a lot of oxygen to your brain. I then call out to her, saying “Oh Naamah, I call out to thee, I call upon thee. I invoke thee Naamah. Please descend upon me”. Then I say her enn a few times, maybe 10 or 20 times, and then spend 2 or 3 minutes gazing at the sigil and trying to really feel into it, concentrate on it. Then I read out the pact, and finish with “So mote it be”, and then i burn the paper into ash.

Feel free to add candles, incense, a food and/or drink offering, and bodily fluid, but the most important thing is your intent.


Naamah/Nahema is the Guardian of the Gate of Sitra Achra. She is the ruler of the Qliphothic Sphere Nahemoth and entrance to the Other Side. That is her most important characteristic. When you invoke a Naamah, you are summoning Qliphothic energy into your consciousness. Naamah doesn’t care for human material desires and ego, like other Qliphothic entities. She will change you (clean you of clay) and will pull out of you the deepest hidden secrets and dirty desires. Nahemoth/Malkuth, is the physical plane, the realm of materialization and because of that with Naamah you will have the most powerful manifestations. Sexual fluids and blood is the best offer in rituals with her. I have a pact according to one tradition.


@KundaliniWitch have you ever worked with her at all? If not i would do in depth research, do some meditations and connections rituals, leave some offerings. Develop some sort of connection before jumping into pacts straight away.

Every serious practitioner of the Qliphothic magic works with Naamah first. She is the key to the gate.


Yea have done all that. Felt a good connection in fact. Dived deep into the enn chant.

All in all if I had to focus on any such demoness it would be Naamah.

Now that my meditation and visualization skills are much improved, i’ll try again and see if I van go deeper.

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I have just begun inviting her to my meditations. I feel a connection with her, though arousal also seems to strongly come with her energy. I have asked her for two things and she delivered the same day! (though one she seems to want me to think more specifically when asking by the way the experience went lol). I hope to begin improving with her and already feel like I am on the right track (even though it is only two weeks). AVE Naamah and thank you! :slight_smile: