What to offer to spirits to teach you and mentor you?

Writing out a pact isn’t always necessary. It is just a way of clearly outlining what is requested of both parties, because, you know, humans :stuck_out_tongue:

It sounds to me like he might be waiting for you to do something, or, as you said, to figure something out.


I think that might be the case, I was getting a push by him while he taught me how to dominant and in charge with people. Now I naturally do it and don’t feel that push from him anymore


Lol that’s how he is with me; pushing then stepping back until I learn what needs to be learned.
Right now he did just that for me and so I asked what needed to be done. For me, it’s a ritual in Chants of Belial I promised to do.

So just ask him, he’ll let you know :wink:


I kinda think he want’s me to be less lazy and start working my ass of 24/7. It’s not that I’m lazy in general but I waste my time a lot.
I need to have few options to ask before I contact him with 4 coin divination.

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I plan on working with Belial after Azazel, as I am quite drawn to him and have already learned a lot from him simply through some channeling done on my behalf and the help he has provided when I was in my “bad” time.

But I do expect to have to do the work when under his tutelage. One of my main goals is to obtain complete mastery of the material world and he’s “the man” in that regard.


He contacted me before I knew anything about evocation (did some lbrp, middle pillar excersises and searched Geburah, the sephiroth, for power before that but it was it). I was devastated one night and lost all hopes and tried to stop all thoughts and then heard this or repeat “Hey Belial”
I googled it and then I was shocked lol. Then a period of me going to church and praying happened and then I saw thru their lies.
I feel he chose me and I kinda think that I was trying to teach myself some of his lessons my whole life but it just wouldn’t go so smooth it was more of acting

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I think perhaps one of the best offerings for a spirit like Belial is a complete dedication to his teachings, and it sounds like that is what he is expecting from you.


Yeah, I’m shown the way. Now I need to get in better shape, meditate on opening the third eye and actually studying



In my own experience some of them don’t even want offerings so much but they’ll ask you a favour. I’m working with Prince Seere at the moment. He only wanted incense as an offering. He gave me a task to serve as a medium for his spirit lover until Friday.

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How do you give an incense as an offering?
“Great______, I light this incense stick for you”?
I can’t communicate verbally with spirits for them to ask me something like that but I certainly spread their energy by my presence if I am dedicated to their learning, I often repeat enns in random moments of the day to ask for guidance and energy

I have been giving this general topic a lot of thought recently. Spiritual beings are not human, but they have similarities. There are things they “gotta” have - simple recognition - and then from that foundation, more complex things. Like Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs for humans. This does not answer your specific question but I think it does provide a useful process for working out an answer.


Thanks man, interesting concept!

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I wondered when someone was going to bring up Abraham Maslow…

@Viktor - I like you BUT you really have to do some research for yourself on this site, and across the internet. You don’t have any internet limitations on what you can view do you? The reason I ask is that I know that not every country is part of the EU but even so there are ways and means.

There is also something called the wayback machine and occasionally you may find information that has aged out or been lost due to web addresses no longer being renewed etc. I’d also suggest that if you are using Chrome, that you get yourself OneNote as add in so you can clip useful information.

This will all be useful to you when you go to university if you haven’t chosen to go there already.

The more you learn to research for yourself and learn to compare and contrast the more powerful you become. You will become more discerning.

Regarding offerings - sometimes you will be tested by an entity and they will ask you for something totally ridiculous or unaffordable or unobtainable. Quite often as I have said, it’s a test, and you have to figure what you have done or forgotten to do. Did you know fasting, keeping the temperature low, discomfort in some way can also be offerings to certain entities, it’s not always food, drink, make merry; it is giving something of your own spirit so to speak (obviously don’t cut off a finger or do anything self destructive - if that is asked, who you are dealing with - it might be an imposter).

Keep the area clean, banish anything before any work, use the correct title, and you do not need to have gold, silver, incense, robes of silk etc - you need to have very clear intent. You need to put research, work, intent and be serious in what you are doing - it’s like a business meeting.

In some cases yes, you must be dressed. Don’t offer sex, blood, wine, foods, unless you know it’s correct. Research again. Satan and suns has some information, tikityboo, or tikkyboo (someone correct me - that’s a task for someone to research…) has information; three demonolators… all are really good sites and here. Plus of course you have YouTube - and I personally use YouTube most of all, and I listen to it, download and listen. There Blackwitchcoven is truly fantastic, I really like her, and she has some smarts about her.

The most powerful work you will adapt to yourself BUT I caution you in the first instance follow the rules until you absolutely know what you are doing.

So research!


It’s not a party until somebody gets all Maslow


@HermesHorse Thanks man, as well. I have full internet access, it’s not a problem in Serbia.
I guess I was a little lazy with this post here. I thought that when working with spirits long run they will require a long run sacrifice or at least a more valuable one in the means of money, effort, discomfort.
I do research on spirits I want to work with what they like and so on…
Sometimes it’s easier to ask than to go thru too much unwanted information for a text line.
Thank you for taking your time writing these resources, they will be helpful. Blackwitchcoven is quite handy. I must check the other websites.
I know the basics of evocation and did summon spirits many times (although I see that wasn’t necessary so often now).
Also interesting about fasting, keeping the temperature low and such. I didn’t know those could be offerings, I did read spirits asking for the temperature to be adjusted a couple of times.

I offer apples.

I like apples and they are a very physical and emotionally enjoyable food for me.

And as i understand it demons like to experience emotions.

So i offer apples.