What to do with spirits sigils after you've done the evocation?

I have been wondering about what you do to sigils of spirits after you’ve done the evocation.

In sigil magic I’m used to burning them during the ritual or after it as a way to both get rid of it aswell as a final gesture of sending it into manifestation, but if it’s a sigil of an entity that you are evoking on a weekly basis and have an ongoing relationship with, then what do you do? I plan to get the help from more and more spirits as I get further, and then at some point those old sigils will become really inconvenient. But I do not want to be rude to the spirit or do something to break the relationship.

What do you do?

[quote=“Attis, post:1, topic:283”]I have been wondering about what you do to sigils of spirits after you’ve done the evocation.

In sigil magic I’m used to burning them during the ritual or after it as a way to both get rid of it aswell as a final gesture of sending it into manifestation, but if it’s a sigil of an entity that you are evoking on a weekly basis and have an ongoing relationship with, then what do you do? I plan to get the help from more and more spirits as I get further, and then at some point those old sigils will become really inconvenient. But I do not want to be rude to the spirit or do something to break the relationship.

What do you do?[/quote]

i burn mine regardless. or you could simply just create a file to stash them away for later use if you’re torn over whether or not to dispose of them.

Cheezus - Thank you. About stashing them away. That’s what I’ve done so far, but I feel it’s a half-assed solution.

Sukujin - That’s something I’ve thought about too, using the sigils right off the book instead of drawing/painting them. It will probably mean a bit more time before the entity arrives since drawing/painting the sigil helps to activate the sigil. But it turns the grimoire into a ritual tool to be used, and I like that. I’m just thinking that since grimoires have a tendency to have atleast 1 sigil if not more on one page, and another on the other page next to it, it might make a difference when you are trying to focus on the sigil when you have two or more sigils in your peripheral vision.

But I hope someone here have experimented with this and can give their 2 cents.

I keep mine. The more I open them, the faster and more active they become. The only time I burn them is when I perform a baneful ritual wherein the work of the spirit comes to a physical end and there is no more for the spirit to do. Under this circumstance, it will often return to you with the aim to continue its task. So, in that case, I burn it. Otherwise I keep them well and alive. They do gather energy make the bond between the sigil and the entity quite strong.

I have actually opened a sigil in the book itself. It seems to not carry the same effective mechanism as when one uses a piece of paper or parchment specifically for that purpose. However, it does work in establishing a psychic link. At least, that has been my experience.

I have done both myself, it really comes down to intuition on the situation. sometimes you need to listen to that. sometimes a sigil needs to be left to work , sometimes it needs to be released into the void to be let loose or be burnt to be disconnected and released.
when it comes to the spirits them selves I internally communicate why im burning the item, be honest.
the entity’s ive worked with have never been insulted so far.
A wired thing ive had happen however are blood charged Sigils refusing o burn, this has only occured in highly charged banefull curses I have personally spilled blood on that even when soaked in gasoline refuse to burn or be destroyed.
one in particular designed to be on going towards the intended victim actually curled up and turned into a rock hard nugget. that particular act thru things into full effect for me as I willingly gave my self as a sacrifice towards the end means on be half of a friend who deserved justice. That Sigil is still with me now bound in twine with fresh blood when ever i desire to open up that doorway again to that entity becoming stronger every time.

I’ve found that if you keep the sigil after the result has been achieved, the gateway between the worlds remains open, and the energy coming through it - being undirected - turns chaotic, often ruining the very thing that was manifested through the sigil.

I’ll therefore burn the sigil, drop the ashes in a bowl of water, and then bury the water in a small hole in the dirt.


Thank you all for your replies!

That’s a great suggestion. Suits me really well. Thank you!

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[quote=“E.A., post:6, topic:283”]I’ve found that if you keep the sigil after the result has been achieved, the gateway between the worlds remains open, and the energy coming through it - being undirected - turns chaotic, often ruining the very thing that was manifested through the sigil.

I’ll therefore burn the sigil, drop the ashes in a bowl of water, and then bury the water in a small hole in the dirt.[/quote]

lol, well that explains a few things :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“DK The Mage, post:8, topic:283”][quote=“E.A., post:6, topic:283”]I’ve found that if you keep the sigil after the result has been achieved, the gateway between the worlds remains open, and the energy coming through it - being undirected - turns chaotic, often ruining the very thing that was manifested through the sigil.

I’ll therefore burn the sigil, drop the ashes in a bowl of water, and then bury the water in a small hole in the dirt.[/quote]

lol, well that explains a few things :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought the same thing when I read that post DK lol, there are several sigils I’ve kept.

I often go all out with my sigils, make a complete art piece with them as opposed to just drawing them on paper. The ones I didn’t destroy I kept open… and like DK said EA’s post explains a few things. :slight_smile: I’m wondering now if there’s a method of deactivating the sigil (without destroying it) that would be as effective as burning it for closing the gateway? Keeping the art for next time around, without leaving it open?

[quote=“RidgeRunner, post:9, topic:283”][quote=“DK The Mage, post:8, topic:283”][quote=“E.A., post:6, topic:283”]I’ve found that if you keep the sigil after the result has been achieved, the gateway between the worlds remains open, and the energy coming through it - being undirected - turns chaotic, often ruining the very thing that was manifested through the sigil.

I’ll therefore burn the sigil, drop the ashes in a bowl of water, and then bury the water in a small hole in the dirt.[/quote]

lol, well that explains a few things :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought the same thing when I read that post DK lol, there are several sigils I’ve kept.

I often go all out with my sigils, make a complete art piece with them as opposed to just drawing them on paper. The ones I didn’t destroy I kept open… and like DK said EA’s post explains a few things. :slight_smile: I’m wondering now if there’s a method of deactivating the sigil (without destroying it) that would be as effective as burning it for closing the gateway? Keeping the art for next time around, without leaving it open?[/quote]

Agreed. I have at least a couple hundred now that I’ve become used to using over and over. If burn them I must, then I must. But if there was a way to open when needed and close when put away - I’m game for that too. Not to mention the extremely expensive paper I buy specifically for sigils. Not that it’s a huge issue, but it is a hastle to get to the store that sells it.

[quote=“E.A., post:6, topic:283”]I’ve found that if you keep the sigil after the result has been achieved, the gateway between the worlds remains open, and the energy coming through it - being undirected - turns chaotic, often ruining the very thing that was manifested through the sigil.

I’ll therefore burn the sigil, drop the ashes in a bowl of water, and then bury the water in a small hole in the dirt.[/quote]
E.A thank you for advice on that, im not sure what to do with one in perticuler that seems to refuse to burn, should i just hit it with a torch or what, i seriously have tried to burn this thing to release it a couple times. i thought maybe i wasn’t supposed to, IDK kind of wired i guess

[quote=“ryanjw1217, post:11, topic:283”][quote=“E.A., post:6, topic:283”]I’ve found that if you keep the sigil after the result has been achieved, the gateway between the worlds remains open, and the energy coming through it - being undirected - turns chaotic, often ruining the very thing that was manifested through the sigil.

I’ll therefore burn the sigil, drop the ashes in a bowl of water, and then bury the water in a small hole in the dirt.[/quote]
E.A thank you for advice on that, im not sure what to do with one in perticuler that seems to refuse to burn, should i just hit it with a torch or what, i seriously have tried to burn this thing to release it a couple times. i thought maybe i wasn’t supposed to, IDK kind of wired i guess[/quote]

Not to answer in EA’s stead - but … well … yeah, I guess that’s exactly what I’m doing, heh - sorry :stuck_out_tongue:
anyway - you can always bury it. Burying anything of a magickal nature disperses the energy and renders the object inert.

So, I finally went through all my journals and boxes and implements etc, and gathered all of the old open sigils together. hah I had a stack several inches high.
So … I did something a bit different. I rolled them all up into a parchment, and drew a circle around the cylinder - charged it heavily and did a clearing. It was the difference between night and day. Literally. The house is much lighter than it used to be, and my wife and I haven’t fought once since (which previously was nearly a daily routine)
So - I’m not sure if cramming all those different currents and forces into an enclosed 'magickal circle will have any repercussions - but as for now, it works extremely well. Not just that - but I have the sense that I have this ancient box full of demonic power, and should anybody open it, all hell will be released. So it’s kinda cool in that respect.
Holding it definitely has a certain feel to it. I had even considered using it magickally as a type of super-wand. Again - probably a really bad idea - but hey, I’m just crazy like that.

Very cool, DK. Sounds like that super-wand would be a force to be reckoned with! I had opened a magic square a few weeks ago and although the result I got was small, it was needed(made sure a salary increase in my job got approved). As I received the good news the day after, I left it open the rest of the week and some strange energies were manifesting and things were happening that I felt left unchecked might do something undesirable, so I burnt the square in haste after realizing that it might be the cause and lo and behold, things leveled out very quickly.

I’ve noticed that it is good to dispose of sigils when there is a material goal involved, but when allowing an entity to enter your life or experience it’s general influence there seem to be no problems. Just my two cents.

I burn them after the work. Unless i’m seeking to keep a connection with the evoked.

[quote=“Attis, post:1, topic:283”]I have been wondering about what you do to sigils of spirits after you’ve done the evocation.

In sigil magic I’m used to burning them during the ritual or after it as a way to both get rid of it aswell as a final gesture of sending it into manifestation, but if it’s a sigil of an entity that you are evoking on a weekly basis and have an ongoing relationship with, then what do you do? I plan to get the help from more and more spirits as I get further, and then at some point those old sigils will become really inconvenient. But I do not want to be rude to the spirit or do something to break the relationship.

What do you do?[/quote]

Keep them around while you work with the spirit and until your goals with the spirit are achieved.

After a 1 year period of time devoted to working with a grimore, I burnt all my sigils, even some I freshly crafted. It was to signify I needed new beginnings with works of magic, since the last time I had to quit evoking due to a near death experience that made working with incense impossible for quite some time. One of the spirits urged me not to destroy it’s sigil, so out loud I explained to it why I regretfully had to. I felt an intense sorrow, and a real desire of the spirit to help me.

This entity communicating with me was one who’s sigil I had “lost” after a complex situation where a ritual backfired horribly on me, and no matter what I could never find it’s sigil again. It was the first and only spirit I used in this grimore for over a year prior to contacting any others. I reflected upon this while burning the new sigil. So after I did my next evocation the original lost sigil of the entity appeared in my ritual box, over 2 years later. Even the way this sigil appeared, was related to the lessons it gave me when it visibly manifested and changed my life.

If a spirit wants you to keep something, it will let you know.

But…I’d say…After a while just burn them and dispose of the ashes properly, these are gateways to another world and if left dormant for long periods of time it’s asking for a problem. Especially if you are collecting them, and letting people see them who don’t understand what they are. It’s not like you drew the sigils in your own blood, redrawing them will not be hard.

Keep in mind it might be prudent to keep it around if you feel you are still working with the spirit and it’s trying to give you help. But if your goal is long accomplished, a spirit may get bored. These are (usually) your friends, but they come from an existence that is far different than ours, and our values and sense of humor do not match. These beings are very old, very powerful, and have a very different nature of existence. Their humor might easily escape you, but you’ll be left to clean up their mess.

Ever Forward,
-Frater Apotheosis

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I’ve been thinking of starting a new thread on this, and happy to find this one already on topic.

Anyhow, a few things I’ve been thinking about that have been touched on, but not fully answered:

  1. Which sigils to burn/close, and which ones to keep?

– It seems that if it is sigil magick, close the sigil once the spell has had its effect but keep it open if it is lingering or still underway. Perhaps also give it an expiration date of sorts after a certain period regardless of if it succeeded or not.

– But what about gateways, ritual circles, etc.? For instance, in EA’s evocation workshop video, he had the sigils of his corner guardians on polished black stones. Likewise, if a ritual circle has sigils on it, those will not be disposed of.

– What about sigils for entities that you evoke? Especially if create an ornate piece of art, or put the sigil on something more permanent.

  1. Are there other methods of closing a sigil besides burning? Perhaps performing a banishing ritual - and if so, having some references for rituals would be very helpful.

Essentially, I have reason to believe that you don’t want/need to destroy every sigil. And so, I’m trying to find out which ones it is best to destroy, which ones to keep, other ways to deactivate permanent sigils, and the like. I just haven’t seen a systematic treatment of the subject, and would like to know that hows and whys.

While I welcome speculation and personal experience, if a person answering my questions can give specific references to books and such, this would be very helpful. Or if you have sufficient experience and authority on the subject (EA or Dante, or one of the other much more experienced magicians on the forum), or can cite someone who gave you the info (your teacher, etc.), please reference that as well.


Awesome, thanks!:grin: