What to do when someone is magickally preventing you from doing magick?

I think you’re probably hitting a point of burnout.

It may be that you’re almost ready to let go of him and the situation but you still cling to it stubbornly anyway.

Maybe take a break from the whole thing and come back to it later?

If you tell yourself that they’re working or start doubting because of them, you just end up sabotaging yourself.


This is interesting, I thought about it too. Maybe the only thing that stops me from leaving it as it is, is that that way I let him win. And after everything he has put me through… is not really fair that he gets everything he wanted and I walk out empty handed and beaten.

Mmmm true. Will this at the end be a battle of wills, then?

It already is. Lol

I might add that it seems like you’re too attached to the outcome and it’s probably messing up your mojo. “Lust for results”, etc.

Doesn’t mean you can’t take a break though.

You’re running yourself haggard while all he does is go about his business.

That kinda sounds like he’s winning in another way.

Sometimes you gotta lick your wounds before you take up the fight again.



I agree to what Arachnos said. If you really wanna do something and there’s direct interference, go for a surprise attack sort of thing. When he’s convinced you’ve left him alone and stops praying about you.


So that’s what makes me think “so I’ll defeat you, son of a b” :joy:

I was not but I guess seeing him getting his way messes up with my head. I’m having inclination to relax and let it go, and then I tell myself “will you let him win?”

You’re so right.

If you think your target’s prayers are affecting you, call upon Cozier.


Can you still think? If so then your ability to use ‘magick’ is not blocked. Lower forms of magick are easier to block but the magick of the mind supersedes all. If you can think then you can cut yourself off from external influence and analyze it and form patterns that unmake it.

Detach your awareness from your body into purely the realm of thought and work to where time is a meaningless concept. You might be aware of its passing but in this state it has no meaning to you beyond an arbitrary sensation. Look at yourself from the outside in and the inside out rapidly in succession until you are doing both at once and any influence you don’t want simply remove its attachment from your awareness and work your way down until you have removed all levels of attachment and capture it in your awareness. Study it and observe it until you find how with a thought you can remove its existence. With that pattern of thought you can cut through any mental and energetic defences your target create by simply erasing it.

This bears more resemblance to so called RHP practices of letting go of everything. You do this to let go of all attachment to be free of influence to build yourself the ego of suitable patterns for the desire you wish to accomplish. It is operating in the form of pure intellect and consciousness.


If I were you @virgospirit I’d consider a try at something a little closer to home culturally.

The Djinn

Hargrove wrote a book about djinn magick and it’s easy to practice, safe and Very very effective.

Just my thoughts.


That’s actually a great idea Mike, thanks! It crossed my mind the other day, and the only reason why I was not sure about it is because Muslims pray actively against Djinn, so I thought it would be one of the spirits we would have more defenses against. Is one of the reasons why I use Angels, as Muslim do not consider them evil and so his defenses would probably be low. Not sure what you think about this!

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I struggle with this sometimes and the fuck it mantra helps


You could do that. I once did essentially the same thing but on the Christian side instead. I also know of another who did the same.

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Interesting. If I may ask, how did you evoked Yahweh (as I guess is the one you evoked).

In my case would be Allah, I was thinking to use his name written in Arabic as sigil.

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We did not evoke, we simply did a prayer.

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Ohhhh. In my case, I think if Allah barely listen to the hundred of thousand of people who are Muslims and pray with faith to him, not sure why he would be listening to me on this matter, when I have a nice pork sausage in the fridge :joy:

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Most people don’t know how to pray properly, so it ends up being weak. But with magick, that changes. My prayers to the Norse gods have been as powerful as any other magick I’ve ever done.

Simply call out to him as if you’re actually calling out to him. Sounds simple, but many simply pray as a meaningless mantra, without any will or desire. Really call out to him with the will that he hears you.

If you have Master Works of Chaos Magick, you can borrow some elements of the Conjuration in there. I specifically like the emotional transmutation aspect. Give your request with emotion. Speak the words like you mean it, and feel as if your request has already been granted to you.

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I have been feeling for some time that prayers were a form of manifestation gone wrong by the teachings of mainstream religions. People beg to a God instead of feeling the feeling of the wish fulfilled (emotional transmutation, at the end).

I feel a bit blind on the side of not knowing who’s Allah, if the eggregore or the old God. I’m pretty sure my target prays with a lot of faith and intent.

Honestly, I’m a bit lost now. I had a comprehensive and non aggressive layered plan, but suddenly all went downhill and don’t know how to recover from it, or if I can at all.


I really liked it. Was thinking about using Arathron to stop his plans in motion, but I feel a bit overwhelmed by the sudden change on the situation (for bad)

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Not necessarily. It’s not to say that “Manifestation” was not known to the ancient magicians, but they did not focus on it much at all, since it’s pretty weak magick. They rather focused on taking it to grand heights, for serious change.

But you can pray to a spirit without emotion, without faith, and they can grant your request. It happens a lot, especially in the Pagan communities. The problem with Christianity and Islam for example, is that their gods has their own powers and specialities. That is to say, they have their own interests, and it seems the Christian God is especially great to call for protection, and rain.

The Catholics and Orthodox Christians tried to get behind this by calling on Saints, and the Kabbalistic Jews by calling on different divine powers and Angels.

Don’t worry about it too much. But to get behind calling on an imposter who just so happens to have the same name, or something, make it part of your prayer to list some of the deeds and qualities of who you’re calling on. So, knowing the mythology can be helpful.

Here is the issue, one that we often lose sight of: Magick is not necessarily more powerful than getting things done through mundane means. It simply works in another way. So if someone is protected on that side, they are protected on that side, just as if they are protected physically, then they are protected physically. As magicians, we are quite privileged these days as most have lost sight of spirituality and magick in most countries.

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Not sure what is Allah’s specialty, honestly. I’ll try to find out. But I get your point, Christians and Muslims pray to their Gods as if they are all powerful, when in reality probably they are like any other Gods: They have their specialties.

You mean I couldn’t do much if he’s protected? Mmm I’m not sure to which areas his protections extends. He feels many times that, as much as he works towards something, things get messed up and he can’t get what he wanted, it happens a lot to him. But he believes too that if he’s a good Muslim, good things will happen to him; and part of being a good Muslim has to do with what he’s trying to do now and I’m trying to stop him from doing. It really doesn’t matter to what deity you pray to, I think beliefs are powerful and he has them. What I mean is, as absurd as it can be for me to say X prayer X number of times per day, he believes that works and he does pray them, so I think that has power.

I don’t want to throw everything and the kitchen sink to him, but I don’t want either to give up.

Can you pm me? I’m new here so apparently I can’t pm unless somebody pms me first