What tall dark entity wears a hat?

Can’t find a description of him from the books, any source?

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the demonic marquis shax showed me during my work,he lifted my vision into a qlippothic tunner under the qlippha satariel,the dark tunnel which Teh’manorl resides and guards is named “Tarxofias”
teh’manorl’s role is to guard the place and watch over he shows up in front of you if you seek the secrets of darkness and tarxofias the secrets of the physic senses and conciousness.


I think saw something similar, but not with that “clothing” style. Mine seemed to look like it had a black cover draped over its body. It was humanoid in appearance and had what looked like to black voids where there the eyes should be, it had no other visable features like ears, nose, mouth. It looked slightly hunchbacked and as though it’s arms were fixed by the wrists by a black rope that went around its waist.

And another one followed me. Only he was gray. All my childhood and youth, to home accompanied, if you were late to classes or training.

Papa Legba is known to wear a hat.

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I saw that hat man once in my adolescence.For the record I wasn’t sleeping. I jumped when I turned to the left of my room because he was standing a few feet away from me clear as day. Then he disappeared. Never saw him since.

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The link talking about different types of shadow people forgot a few types.

Shadow figures who used to be humans, these were negative spirits that embraced the darkness in the worst way possible.

Entities that pretend to be shadow figures to hide their real forms, for example: shapeshifters, or skin walkers.

And finally, Ancients: the first shadow figures, been around long before humanity began, literally older than dirt. The ancestors of many shadow figures. Many Ancients have horns, but not all, and each one’s horns are unique. Ancients are the most dangerous ones, if you are followed by one, you are in terrible danger, they’ve chosen you as prey and will attack you. I have two Ancients stalking me.

Ancients don’t fear most entities, there are only two entities I’ve encountered that Ancients fear. Take heed if an Ancient fears something in your home or presence.

Some demons fear Ancients, take heed if a demon fears an Ancient, it means that the Ancient is stronger than the demon.

Can elaborate more about the nature of these entities? When I was very young, maybe 4 or 5, I used frequently have dreams where I would float around the house at night. I would always be dressed as I was when went to bed and was dark with no else was up. Some people have said this was astral projection but I don’t know. Anyway in certain part of the house I would be cornered and forcibly pulled against my will to this area every time I passed by it. When I was pulled into this room I was always surrounded by horned shadowy entities with red eyes. They would surround me and I would feel myself growing smaller where they grew bigger. This happened frequently until I got a few years older and I never had dreams like that again.

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When I was young, I remember having a dream where I was doing Matrixesque acrobatics around my house. It felt real and I enjoyed it.

That’s why I said other people thought it was astral projection not necessarily that I did. Regardless I know what you mean. I flew once in a dream and imagined that I had the wings of bird and they grew on my arms. That’s what happened in this dream if it was that. I was legit dressed as I dressed when I was kid (in the exact pajamas I put on before bed) and I moved around the house. Everything in the house looked as it did at night when no one was awake. The only difference I was floating. I didn’t will myself to float or like the feeling of floating I just did it as though it was completely natural. It very well could have been a dream or a lucid dream rather then astral projection I really don’t know. What I do know is that I have never had dreams where I moved (either floating or walking) around that house dressed as I exactly as I was since them.