What spirits would you use in this situtuation?

Recenlty a manager at work said he is leaving, he was shocked like the rest of us were that he was leaving after turning the factory around and getting sales up. So this new manager coming in is a giant asshole, what spirits would you use to keep the old manager in place and not have the new one take the spot? I ask because this is a complex working and would like some ideas.


New guy taking power makes me think of Belial, he dislikes authority in general so may be into this.

Do you know why the old guy is leaving?


The people in corporate move people around like idiots, that is the only reason why. This guy was making sales and had the place going great for us, this new person is a real bastard and half the people I enjoy working with are going to transfer in the new year. I was thinking Belial and Paimon but I know there are some others that can influence these situations but can’t think of any off the top of my head.


I tnk belitor hes able to give snd take off titles

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Is that a Koetting spirit?

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I tnk is a demon from a dictionary infernal

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You have to influence minds of many people to make this happen :wink:

I would ask Dantalion first if he could pull this off. If he says no, next stop would be King Paimon. Remember Paimon is a King, treat him like one ;-).

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So this new manager is not as bad as everyone was making her out to be, I am planning to use the same spirits to stop some people from leaving the business though, but not on the people directly but on the higher ups.

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Look aquiel and abigor.

The zodiac angel Yochevaiah, or Yocheva, is an angel presiding over Mars in Capricorn. His title is “God knows all things”. He answers to archangel Hanael and YHVH Elohim.
" Yocehevaiah is the angelof making things happen, particularly in relation to work and business. He is good at making sure that people who are unqualified are dismissed and rewarding those who know what they’re doing. Yochevaiah can make sure that your skills are noticed and he can teach you how to improve the existing skills that you already have.
He is also good at undoing the plots of others to harm your enterprises or work patterns. If you have a difficult colleague who is not particularly good with their job, who is playing office politics to knife you in the back, Yochevaiah is the angel to appeal."
There is more about him of course, but I don’t want to type the whole book.
This entry is from The Shem Grimoire by Farrell.

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