What Spirit(s) or Demon(s) is able to teach me Music (Singing, Dancing, Playing Instrument and Performing?

I’m interested in working with a Demon(s) that can help me in the Performing arts? (Dancing, Singing, Playing an Instrument and Performing)

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Try Lucifer, he might help


oh no, I wouldn’t even know how to…

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Why not, I would evoke him by gazing at his sigil and chanting his enn


No offense, but Why would you ask if you don’t even know how? And besides there are many threads about this. ive even made a few so use the :mag_right: in the top right


Its all good, No Offense taken.
I Just find it very very intimidating … Im very new in the magic world. I am afraid Ill mess it up and Insult him or offend him.
for me that’s very advance…
I still have so much to learn.

Alright well for advice i would recommend searching for “beginner” using the search bar. Many incredibly useful things you can find!

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bro you wont offend Luce for asking him to help you with music in my opinion, but i could be wrong, but im pretty sure im not

you could also ask Archangel Sandalphon for help with this


I searched and nothing came up. so I decided to ask to see if anyone else had worked with a demon that’s an expert, known or is good with this.

Hmm after a five second search of the word beginner I found multiple topics including one cataloging all the best topics dealing with beginner tutorials. I don’t know how you missed it. Literally just type the word beginner.

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If he’s busy you can try contact one of the Nine Muses, Euterpe :upside_down_face:


Ok, Cool. I Found a Thread that covers some of the same question.
thank you for all your help.
Good looking out!

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Np! I understand things can be confusing, however if you ask a question people have asked a million times people will be less willing to help. No worries this time tho you’re new so it’s understandable if you’re confused about the search function


You could use necromancy rituals like the ones from Carl Nagel with magical formulas: colpriziana ofina alta…, beroald, berald…, fortissio… There are lots of variations in Internet and summon Beethoven, Ravel, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston for example to help you with music

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King Paimon

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The whole point of doing any form of magick, is that you take your time, move at your own pace, learn if you like it or not and ask questions like your one on this thread so that you can learn the right and wrong way to do things, to do a lot of trial and error to see what works for you.

As long as you’re respectful to the spirits and/or demons that you wish to work with, nothing can go majorly wrong, unless you evoke certain spirits that will put you through intense, mind-twisting challenges that make you feel like you’re going insane, like Arachne, the Spider Goddess. If you just research what demons are good for beginners and move at your own pace, you’ll be fine.

Best of luck on your path, I’ve been working with demons for a year now, nothing bad or scary has ever happened to me.