What spirit might have experience with this? (Gender)

So, not sure how to word this correctly…but I’m looking to work with a spirit on basically being able to accept being a woman. My situation is complicated and I won’t get into much detail but I spent many years living as a trans man and now have decided to just live as a butch/masculine woman. This is a personal decision.

I’m wondering what spirit(s) might be able to help with self acceptance? I’m trying balance my masculinity with being born a woman basically, I don’t want to give up one for the other. Since I’ve had issues with people thinking I need to dress/be a certain way to be a woman (my dad). So also to build my confidence and not feel like I need to fit in.

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Look into the book Hermaphrodeities by Raven Kaldera. It is about a spiritual path for those who are of “two spirits.”

As for names, Baphomet comes to mind.


I’d imagine any goddess.

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That’s what I was thinking. Although each goddess tends to have their own areas of specialty so I was wondering if any specific one might work better.

I’m going to be honest. I do not understand the trans experience, nor do I plan to. But I feel like a man or woman has to be any one thing. Regarding gods and goddesses, you have some goddesses more linked to traditional feminimity (Aphrodite, Hestia, and Hera), and some who don’t (Hecate, Artimis, and Athena). I was born a male and identify as a male, but I tend to prefer male deities of knowledge, whom some may argue are not traditionally masculine. I don’t think you don’t need a goddess of a particular specialty. You just need to pick a god or goddess you relate to, one who represents the sort of woman you want to be. But that’s my opinion.


I’m no longer identifying as trans, that was my personal decision to just accept being female again. Which is why I’m looking more for a goddess that can help with that and not one for two spirit since I’m just trying to accept being female again. I was having a hard time finding a goddess that doesn’t seem traditionally feminine cause they all seem that way, even the ones associated with war and stuff.

Archangel Haniel have strong female energy, maybe it fit for you.

Or another spirit with female gender like Lilith etc

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I don’t usually work with angels, but I could ask Lilith.

I dont know it will help you but C.kendall have share The Black & Bloody Waters Talisman Unique Symbols/Sigils For You To Use In You're Magick

“The vortex is known as the black and bloody waters, a pool of nocturnal, nightside, Infernal, feminine, lunar, sexual and even menstrual energies. Gathered around this pool are the hooded and cloaked partially nude bodies of the sisters, standing in unison as all phases of the moon shine their essence upon these waters. Their continuously chanting and churning these sacred and yet profane waters. This gateway is the opening directly into these waters which can be used in a variety of different ways for different reasons.”

You can look it up if this will help you.

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Thanks! I’ll check it out.

If you work with mantras, find a book called healing mantras by Thomas Ashley Farrands it has a mantra for increasing feminine powers etc.

Though I forgot about the title and the author and it will take time for me to find a book, but there are some books which offer path working with female goddess to increase feminine energies etc. I remember something like unleash your feminine powers or something but search on Amazon you will find something!!

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Thanks! I’ll check that out too. I suppose I could also ask whatever goddess/female spirit I choose to work with to help increase those energies as well. I don’t usually work with mantras, but I’ll try it.

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Duke Sallos can help with self-love and confidence in general.

Lillith can help with femininity.

I forgot to put a Not in the second line.

Second line?

What do you mean by feminity. Feminine energy or the stereotypes we associate with feminity?

My goal is to accept that I was/am born female. I don’t want to start presenting in a feminine manner. That would cause issues that were apart of my intial transition to begin with. I think a woman can be masculine or have mainly masculine energies?

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My apologies, I meant that she can help you to accept who you are as a woman, not that she would change you to become feminine.