What spirit can I work with to get to the Akashic records

Alright now that I have called up 20-30 demons and its beginning to seriously mess with even my ability just to meditate, I’m wondering who I can call upon to help me reach the akashic records, does anyone know of anyone who can help or can anyone help?

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You don’t need a spirit. You can access them on your own through projection.


Try it on your own first, if this doesn’t work I know Archangel Metatron is often called on for help with this.


Akashic records can be accessed through soul diving yourself, of course there are entities that can help you dive into yourself.

It can be done through deep meditation or through projection. Your records are within your soul landscape rather than external.

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Hey @Velenos. You’re saying that made me think… Then what kind of records can you access out there? I’ve been on this tremendous library once and it was sort of never ending, it had so much that I couldn’t really bother to look at all of it I just remember being there with someone that took me to see about a specific memory. I call it memory but I don’t really know the name for it I’m sure it had a different name. But it allowed me to have visions for a couple of weeks regarding mankind and its origins.

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Actually to access the akashic records you need like 50-70 %of spiritual power, like half ascended. Through daily exercises of spiritual awakening you can do it. You can ask Metatron to help you or if you prefere LHP than Leviathan and awaken your kundalini. A person can help you awaken yours only if she or he is like 75% spiritually ascended.
If your spirituality is under 50% it won’t work. Remember that the divine cosmic consciousness sees through. Is like achievments in computer games. By reaching a level you unlock a special feature.
To access the akashic records you have to open and activate Muladhara, indeed the lowest chakra. But is important to center on all chakras.
For psychic powers are the upper three chakras.

:neutral_face: since when does spirituality come in percentages?


Since we have the stim injection from call of duty.
Gives you a 30% boost on everything. Specially in VR.

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My demons - God Bless their hearts- are blocking my third eye ability, they are so mischievous.
The third eye meditations were the only way I could access them all by myself. Belial says I will get my third eye back once I write the book. I tend to love both the angels and the demons but I’m beginning to feel mad suspicious they are all part of one big spiritual casino. Anyways the only other way I have ever been able to astral travel for the most part is spirits lifting me out of my body. I had demon try to offer recently and have had a devi try, I fell under a paralysis and everything went white I was a bit surprised and it didn’t work, maybe I can try again with one of them, anyways someone is PMing me about this.

Leviathan hissed at the idea. lol

Hmmm… no idea how this Computer gaming goes but i have heard before about call of duty. Anyways a magic potion to increase spirituality would be ahayuasca

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Would a breath of pure air in deepest part of the nature out of reach from men do the same? :innocent:
I actually got dizzy once for intaking such pure air.

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sounds great I might have to travel to south America to get it and then have major problems with my government with $2000 dollar hotels they force you in and screen you when you get back, that would be one nasty come down, but then again maybe it would show me exactly what I want and need to see about this reality in this world, when I say it out loud I really can’t believe my country has come to this, Oh plus they monitor you when you get back.

Or…is there another way.

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In Europe there is possibilities… Don’t know about the US. Although I would never risk it without real knowledge of the mixture, which is passed on by generations on few tribes around the world.


I’m in Canada :frowning: