What should a sender expect from black magic....and how do you know if the caster id legit to not?

what should a sender expect from black magic…and how do you know if the caster id legit to not ?

I’m not sure I understand this point.

As for what to expect, honestly unless the target uses a return to sender, the result intended from the curse

what I meant was,… example I was to hire a practitioner to do the black magic ritual ,what should I expect in regards of what would happen to me since I’m basically the sender ? would I feel ill ? mentally ill ? physically ? or what not …
thank you for the response .

Nothing will happen to you, you’ll be fine.

My question is what is the ritual first? and when you say sender you mean someone else cast the spell for you on your target? if that is the case nothing should happen to you.

You’d get a lot more help if you did a quick search and introduced yourself properly first plus it’s part of the rules of the forum.