What’s the point in using magick if it’s not going to circumvent issues like the way I look?

I’m thinking about just going into studying the occult and things like that to sort of not feel ugly… or using magick to circumvent the my appearance and make up for it at chances to be with someone… people say that magick should be used in addition to mundane things to get what you want… that’s true… but if I can’t use magick to circumvent some issues like my appearance to get a relationship, what’s the point? I say circumvent in a way that means that they would like the way I look after I did magick, even if they normally wouldn’t like the way I look. This is way out of context, so it probably sounds like nonsense to everyone except me. If I looked attractive, then I wouldn’t need magick.

It’s mostly because I’m thinking about a guy I met that’s in a relationship. He seems to have liked me before but I messed it up by possibly revealing crush. My memory is foggy so I don’t know if it’s my fault or what happened. Maybe it’s because I have poor conversation skills and am retarded for lack of a better word.

I’m scared I’m going to be berated on the forum for this.

By like I meant platonic like. I have no clue if he thinks I’m attractive or not.

Off course you can change the way you look, that’s why exist charms and other things to change you physical appearance or to at least make people see you different. Try the book Fox Magic: Handbook of Chinese Witchcraft and Alchemy in the Fox Tradition from the author Jason Read. Or just use some Daemon for Goetia, there are countless options.


Contact President Marbas from the goetia


Did you do a spell and it didn’t work out? Not sure where your line of thought is going here.

The thing about using magick for anything and especially for changing your situation in the material world, is that it is a different approach to changing your reality, but it’s hardly ever an easy short cut. It takes developing skills, lots of trial and error, evading pitfalls and… not a popular opinion for many… but if you really want to excel, it takes a lot hard work exploring all parts of yourself and fixing the parts of you that hold you back and learning to embrace the lighter as well as the darker parts of yourself

That being said

There’s charms that makes you appear more attractive to others. Theodore Rose’ Lucifer And The Hidden Demons has a pathworking for that, for instance.

There’s work you can do to improve your fitness. Making you at least happier about your physical body by gaining a healthier physique.

There’s plenty of work you can do to improve your self image, either on your own or guided by demons, angels and gods.

Working with entities like Lilith, Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat can teach you more about the art of seduction or even teach you how to have that aura of seductive energy about you.


Subtle energies give subtle influences.

Magick won’t change your appearance overnight BUT it can put a glamour on you (change how people see you or make you more visible…)

Now if you enchant your beauty products, or perform daily magickal acts in front of your mirror you MIGHT see subtle physical changes on long term.

Raymond Buckland told about a woman who refuce her wrinkles by breathing pink light and direct it to your face.


This is a book that while I cannot attest to its results for your specific needs, I’ve had some very powerful results for others that could not otherwise have been put down to mere coincidence. There’s also more than one pathworking related to relationships and attraction.

There’s a post on here that discusses attraction/relationship spells and getting them to work. If I remember correctly - and I might not - it discusses building everything up in stages, laying out all the conditions you want from a spell and considering putting them into individual spells so that it frees demons up to do what they’re best at instead of tying a spell up in knots of conditions so much so that there’s no room for maneuver.

Of course I’m not saying you do that - I did that in my own work lol - I’m just roughly paraphrasing what was in the post.

All the best!

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Which is why I included that example ^^
I’ve used other pathworkings from that book and had some brilliant results. Even adjusted some things and made up my own pathworkings.
So I have no doubt that this one should work fine as well.
Only thing worth mentioning is that it’s important to read the introduction carefully before skipping to the pathworkings and a pathworking like this should be repeated from time to time

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The magical path will probably lead you to what you really need. I entered for something similar, and because I’m curious. But after a while other things and topics start to interest you and the “mundane” goal changes to something more solid.

If you want to ease into this, I recommend working with Venus, devotional work or with some pentacle, some article from Sphere and Sundry or some talisman from C. Warnock (13th mansion of the moon).

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For beauty, Invoke Aphrodite - while you comb your hair, take a shower, use your moisturiser, any beauty/self care related stuff. It works wonderfully for me, but it took time to see changes. You have to be very very consistent.

You mentioned not having good conversation skills. While a person may or may not be able to make themself more beautiful, they can certainly improve their conversation skills. There are all kinds of (non-magical) resources for this, plus you can give yourself a boost with some magic or a charm. Then, get out there and practice talking to people.

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I used the Demons of Magick book but I think I messed up. I’m afraid the demon won’t do what I want it to. I did the Ritual Opening and Core Ritual. But then when I was going to do Ritual Two, I was supposed to go into trance before I did the Evocation Keys. Maybe the book was written so that I was supposed to make a mistake and try again… or maybe intentionally to block people from doing it right so that it won’t work… or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention enough and didn’t read it all first and then do it… I thought I was doing it right. To be honest, I don’t think if I think hard enough stuff will work… the demon probably wasn’t even there let alone doing what I told him to. I got the idea that he might make things worse. And I kept getting numbers and ideas in my head about page 52 or the first [ X ] number words or whatever. It was nonsensical stuff that came of those ideas. Maybe the demon was fucking with me or it was my own imagination that generated those ideas. I feel like I botched the whole thing. Who else had issues with this? Who did these rituals correctly?

The books is not “made to make people fail” this don’t make any sense. You just you slipped up in the ritual and it went wrong, it wasn’t the daemon that cursed you or anything, but I say that if you’re afraid of Daemons I advise you to go to the angels (because it’s your fear that will ruin the ritual not the Daemons themselves). Also, I say welcome to the life of magicians, where we make mistakes and learn from them, not everything turns out perfectly as expected and if you are one to give up just because a ritual went wrong, then you’re not to magick now.

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Using Magick does circumvent issues like that.
The question is, do you have the skill and consistency to make it work?
Magick isn’t easy as all that. Summoning one demon won’t fix a multi-faceted issue. You’ve gotta break your problem down to its constituent parts.
If you are “ugly” you must start with your perception of self. That has to change first and foremost. There are great spells for that kind of inner work.
Then you can move on to what other people feel from you. Changing your energies to become attractive will help immensely.
Now you think you’re attractive and your energy backs you up.
Moving on you need mundane skills like conversation, posture, etc. Work your Magick on those as well. Never forget you can enhance your abilities to obtain mundane skills with Magick.
At this point you’re attractive to yourself, your energy is attractive, and you have skills to make you interesting on top of all that. We move on.
Glamour magic so that others see an attractive individual, further boosting the process.
Here we find an individual that is attractive. Yet you can go farther. Magic to manipulate your physical image. At this point, it’s probably unnecessary, but should you wish to keep going you could engage in those Magickal practices.

Sounds daunting, yet it really isn’t once you get down to it.