What’s everyone’s read list?

This is what I’m going to go about reading :slight_smile: my goal is to read through all of this by end of year.

What’s your read list looking like this year?


So here’s the order I’m going in:

  1. The Witches’ Sabbath
  2. The Crooked Path
  3. Besom, Stang and Sword
  4. A Broom at Midnight
  5. Draconian Ritual Book
  6. Voodoo/Hoodoo Spellbook
  7. Book of the Witchmoon
  8. The Rites of Lucifer
  9. Lilith: Dark Feminine Archetype
  10. Hecate: Witchcraft, Death and Nocturnal Magick
  11. Tree of Qliphoth
  12. Qliphothic Mediations
  13. Belial: Without a Master
  14. Lucifuge: The Lord of Pacts
  15. Qliphothic Astrology
  16. At Satan’s Altar
    17-19) Carlos Castaneda Books

:smile: :smile: :smile: you are amazing, i love books too!! i wish i could have that lucifuge lord of pacts :slightly_smiling_face: its pity there is no kindle version to it!!

I have practiced rites of lucifer till the end its really amazing books. My reading list is simple, Gamblers dharma: Sport betting with vedic astrology, and all books i can find that develops intuition.


On Amazon wishlist. A few tarot decks (ceremonial magic, occult), shitloads of herbs, oils and candles for hoodoo stuff, Blood Sorcery, Ford books including Beginning Luciferian Magic and Sitra Ahra, Anthology of Sorcery, Qlippoth, Complete Works, OAA and a few other Koetting titles, GoM books, Planetary/Zodiacal magic, GD/RHP books. Honestly, books are the least of the order, my goal is a well sticked temple, and necessary grimoires available at hand. But this takes money my mouth can’t cash. So, work for it I will, that way my rent gets squared up first which is one of my wants. Two incentives to work for, rent and temple.


Salomon and the dijijns release in July and the essential grimorio,by Daniel schools. Nxtonth release.


I do have two at the moment Im working with, one and primary cover to cover before another gets involved with, is Candle Magic by Rivas, and simultaneously Kaballah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self Transformation, by Christopher. Then 72 Angels of Magick. Then will be Enochian Magic for Beginners. Then will be Initiation into Hermetic, then Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook, then Modern Magick, then probably Reversal and Protection Magic by Miller.
Again, each is studied cover to cover before another is touched, seriously worked as if my life depended upon it. except for Candle Magic, as it is a staple of my rituals.


My list is ever changing really. All depends on what subject is of interest to me and how deeply I wamt to dive into it. I just finished Jinn magick and Practical Jinn Magick so I am thinking of looking at more scholarly text relating to folklore about them.


As it is a waning moon, I am thinking of browsing Magic: Black and White by Carl Nagel, and 101 Curses (author unknown offhand). Then there is Kuriakos A Complete Course In Magick, and Christophers Kaballah Magic and Great Work of Self Transformation Im working through, and then the side projects of working with elemental earth has GD related material for reference and knowledge, and 72 Angels of Magic.
If you look at it from a black and white view, my main text is Christopher.
If you look at it like a college schedule, it makes more sense. Then there are the Hoodoo resources. And Candle Magick/Low Magick resources.

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Hi quick question kuriatkos is to little one about him, I ask around and a someone say he use his own gnosis to some grimorios, or put a little of his experience I never read his books are hard to find,but in Europe they not like him at all.not sure why


Just had a pretty manic bout of book ordering. Current list includes; Queen of Hell, Altar of Sacrifice, Keys of Ocat/Keys of Death, Ritual Offerings, Goetic Grimoire, Drawing Down Belial, The Psychic Detective Guidebook, So You Want To Be A Medium, Daemonic Possession, The Infernal Gospel, The Exorcist’s Handbook, The Exorcist Field Guide, Necromantic Sacraments, Honoring Death, and Enochian Vision Magick.


Huh, I have no idea. Sorry.

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He seems to write from experience, and solid. I would venture to say if you put some of OAA and some of Astral Dynamics together, you’d accomplish the same as reading his Complete Book on Magick. I know he wrote several other books, perhaps he offended Europe in one of the other ones, or since Im still at the Chakras chapter, it is the same as me being at Lesson 1 in the OAA, on up to the flame discourse where it teaches chakras. In later chapters of A Complete Book on Magick, he discusses higher topics than where I am at, namely OOBE/AP, Energy work, and some other higher topics. This is all I can say of him.

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Did gamblers dharma had any result for you, @Akhtyahussein ?

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:grinning::grinning::grinning: honestly since I got the book I have never used it. The book needs some basic knowledge of vedic astrology to use it and I am not that bigger fun of astrology.

But by reading it I can vouch for it. It is a good book and if you can stick with the methods I am sure you might have more than 70% success with it.

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