What other occult youtubers do you watch, besides the BALG crew?

Glitch bottle is a really good occult channel. Where Alex interviews some of the top adepts in their field.

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^ love that podcast.

This guy reviews a ton of great occult books. Ive bought many simply because of his reviews.


I watch from sources other than just Youtube. I watch Styxhexenhammer666, but usually on Bitchute since there is more content there. I have podcast subscriptions to AdventuresInWooWoo and TheParanormiesPresent (even though they piss me off with their unrestrained magical thinking).

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Goddess Of Earth Shop

I enjoy watching the channel Satan and Suns. And I have learned a lot from their forum and their discord.

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Me too Satan and Sons, also Santera Lucera, Black Witch Coven, Morino Ravenbergā€¦

@fapa79 hey bro, sorry, i want ask you a question, can i? where could I ask you the question?

Jereth Tempest, Frater Puck, VK Jehannum, Frater Chassan, Satania, Behemoth-X.

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Hello, itā€™s fine BTW sure, either here or, in case it may be an off topic question, with a private message.

Welcome @Leftraro It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in maigck, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Before asking members to privately message you, @Leftraro, please follow the rules of this forum and introduce yourself as requested.

ok, thank you :slight_smile: