What kinds of things can be used to represent the air element in spell casting?

The earth, fire and water elements are easy enough. What to use for the air element?


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A feather (birds fly through the air) A pen (Air represents the intellect, and thought, so any physical representation of those can be used).

Traditionally, Incense is typically used to represent Air though, just as candles are traditionally used to represent Fire.


Feather, fan, rose


Use a cigar for a wand with pseudo-phallic undertones. The earth of the plant, the fire of it’s smoldering, the air of it’s smoke, and the water of your salivation.

Seriously, it feels pretty great to project your will through the smoke as you exhale, and if you’re into elemental symbolism its all right there. Or maybe I’m just a dragon… Either way, as long as you smoke proper cigars it really sets an underworldy vibe. Shadowspirits fuckin love it. Best to take breaks from smoking every now and again though. Something to keep in mind.


Yeah I use a feather too

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The colour Yellow also represents Air.

The East also represents Air. (Or Northeast)


Tarot Card 0, The Fool. Elemental Air attribution.
Also, the Swords Court Cards. Each a different element of Air, Knight the strongest.

Also the act of blowing a powder in the air. Windchimes.


That’s new to me. I thought yellow was usually earth.

I was usually thinking they were
Fire Red
Water Blue
Air Yellow
Earth Green
Spirit White or black.


Green is usually Earth, with Yellow being Air.


@Feugo and @Dankquanics. Thanks

Learn something new everyday (me) I guess:)
Reason I thought yellow was earth or wood is that’s the association in Feng Shui and some other Chinese things (I’m not Chinese but do try to use Feng Shui sometimes for somethings)


Yes, the colours associated with the elements are quite dependent upon the system one works in. Eastern correspondences, for example, are not the same as those in Western systems and traditions, so I think it’s important to keep in mind that no correspondence is absolutely set in stone, and none are really universal.


As @DarkestKnight said, the attributions are not universal, nor is one correct over another. Yellow as Air is particularly in most of the Western Tradition, or seems to be the most common there, but changes elsewhere. If you use a system that assigns different colours to the elements, that’s not an issue either. The directions for the elements also change depending on the tradition.


A feather or a knife/dagger/athame.


For $66.06 you can hire me and I will stand there and blow weed smoke in your face! :green_heart::smiling_imp::+1:


Also- as someone said earlier…incense smoke- it replicates clouds


Incense is a great idea. I also thought of a leaf that fell to the ground that had to travel via wind. Moonrocks as well.

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At my worksite I I have a raccoon skull sitting on top of a crow feather
I haven’t really done anything magical with them they’re just things I found while down there and I kind of like the way they look

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Just have Dust in the Wind playing in the background

If you are looking for altar correspondences in western ceremonial magick it is mostly incense of some type. In the hermetic systems you have the air dagger as the ritual tool which is made through specific use and formula in those systems. You could also use the ace of swords or the alchemic symbol for air.

If you need more examples for the other elements and planets this has examples of those for the tarot.