What kind of vibe does Satan give

In Demonolatry Satan represents “the All”, so it can be extremely varied.

A moving pool of darkness, a warm golden light, a violent light red.

Also saw him as a neon-blue Lich when doing VK’s initiation. VK did confirm to me that he likewise has experienced a lich-aspect.


When Lord Satan is in your presence, He gives off a very potent, dark, thick energy. It’s very intense and unmistakable. Some call it anger, did not feel Him “angry”, but intense and powerful, most definitely.

I only felt his presence once and I never dared to call on him again because he gave off these extremely busy and “Look, kid. Nothing personal, but I feel no connection/reason to work with you whatsoever” vibes.

As said by the previous comment, the energy was very heavy and dark indeed. It was a weird feeling because I felt like all the air in the room was being sucked out and I was beginning to have a panic attack, the room at the time was gradually becoming darker as well (when it’s a sunny afternoon the time I tried contacting him)… but at the same time I just knew there was no evil or malicious intent. I did get a strong feeling it was meant to intimidate though, and make me understand that nope, he is not one for being asked/talked to just to satisfy my curiosity. Either there is a serious matter to work on or no contact at all.

Other people’s experiences may differ, of course. :slightly_smiling_face:

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“I got a dark vibe from him, I don’t know if it’s him.” lol It’s Satan of course it’s dark.
Satan is the most adversarial and least friendly spirit I have evoked, if evoking demons is a dark ally to evoking angels, Satan is a dark ally to evoking demons, that is what I have experienced.
My favorite things with him thus far is energetic play fighting and when he bites me to let me know I am being an idiot.

Can I ask why you evoked him? Trying not to be overly disrespectful here but I’m a bit still wondering that myself.

Anybody ever just talk to things? You know just a general “Hey how’s it going? Family doing alright? That’s good to hear. Well I’ll be seeing you bud.” Just casual conversation. I kinda feel like it must get annoying to God’s/demons/spirits/what have you, just to have people always asking for something or looking for some kind of wisdom from you.

Not that I would go messing with things even if I could but “you catch more flies with honey” so why not just have casual conversations. You don’t have to be friends but a little politeness goes a long way.

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for sure! At least in my case, I’m always approached by the entities I meet and don’t usually invoke or call upon entities who want nothing to do with me. Outside of the more deeper conversations, in my experience demons enjoy when you just talk to them in general, like about your day and what not, especially when in a working relationship. There’s a lot of casual conversations that I have with the entities I work with that I just don’t document because they aren’t of use to anyone of myself. Usually just a “How’s it going?” “I watched a movie the other day and you were in it.” “I hate my professor.” What not lmao. But that casual conversation always comes when the other entity has warranted for it or our relationship has grown enough to get to that level. Respect in general should be a must with these entities, but there’s no harm in being polite and asking how they are as well!


You know this post has gotten me thinking the last few days and while I haven’t worked with, or don’t ever want to, the big man downstairs I’ve been pondering what I at least think he would be like. Mind you this is probably a lot of self projection on my part and do forgive any ignorance and crass language, I think he’s an asshole but he’s an asshole with a purpose. Personally I loathe “bad” people, most of what I’d like to do to them would be considered a hellish punishment. I know I’m bad but I’m bad because I have something to hate. I want to see karma carried out in the harshest way possible. Like I said, maybe I’m projecting but that’s just what I think, going off the popular depiction.

However, even if we are kindred spirits and could get along swimmingly I could still never trust him. Simply because of where he started. Demons, angels, anything to do with what I was told growing up, I can’t place any trust in anything to do with HIM. The big G himself, always told he cared, he’s always there to help, he’s always listening. I don’t take lies, betrayal, and backstabbing well and being forgotten and ignored when I was at rock bottom counts in my book. Any kind of help or encouragement could’ve made all the difference. Instead I’m so fucked in the head I can’t maintain belief in myself and my capabilities long enough to have any competency with my work.

Sorry. Didn’t mean to go off like that. Just rambling and letting some stuff out that’s been building up for a while. I’ll probably get rid of this last bit… Maybe not. Depends on what I’m feeling when I finally decide to hit that button.


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Felt like diazepam (anti anxiety pills) and calming vibe

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I used to abuse those they can be calming or very chaotic depending on the dose would you say satan is in any way similar in that way

Yes I used to know a dealer who sold diazepams oh and yes Satan feels to me that way pretty much

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Which “Satan” are you referring to? There’s Lucifer, There’s Beelzebub, There’s King Paimon (who is a bit like the Islamic interpretation of Satan), There’s also Samael. There’s a ton of “Satan’s” out there you can interact with.


Interesting I haven’t had a experience with Satan but I’ve had one experience with goetikon probably equally as powerful and like you I had a different experience than most I would relate goetikon to ecstasy and Xanax combined if we are relating them to drugs it was very calming and blissful but very powerful and almost seemingly all being

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I personally believe satan is more a combination of all those and those entity’s have some the same aspects but I don’t have a lot of experience with satan personally

It’s pretty much almost any demonic feeling when demons start to like you they send off that vibe. Strange at first because I expected angels to feel like this but it was vice versa


Ya I’d agree with that but after that experience with goetikon after the ritual I must did something he didn’t like maybe a wrong offering I gave him blood on cigarettes and smoked them in his name he didn’t ever respond again after that first time

What are your thoughts on that do you think it was a inadequate offering on my part ?

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I personally see “Satan” as simply being a title given to high ranking demonic lords. With that said, I’ve dealt with both Samael and Lucifer and their energies felt completely different to me.


No I think he will respond to you and I think he always has done, maybe work on clairaudience and clairvoyance and do LBRP’s before summoning him again

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I can see that that’s similar to what I was saying your probably right

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