What Is Up With Angels and Demons Wanting Urine and Period Blood?

Omg! Yes! When I first started looking up incubi I was pissed at the lack of good information. It was like they’re all evil and women that want them are evil. Women who want spirit marriages need to be beaten into submission and all sorts of craziness lol. They getting desperate to keep that control.

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Alister Crowley once wrote “The best blood is of the moon, monthly.” If you think on it for a while, makes total sense.

All the blood and uterus lining shed is “supposed to be” (biologically speaking. I’m not here to tell people what they should be doing or to impose weird reproductive norms) used to feed and grow a baby. So its chock full of minerals, energy and the very essence of life and creation itself. More-so than regular blood.

It’s good for…everything I find. I’ve used it as a thanks to entires that have helped me, I’ve used it in black magic sacrifice, or in place of animal sacrifice.I’ve used it to bind fetishes to me, to enchant specific items for my exclusive use.

Shit’s potent and the uses are endless.


The following applies to me and I find the information accurate:

“Red Moon: This cycle follows the full moon, meaning that your body bleeds during the waxing or full moon and is most fertile during the new or waning moon. Because full and waxing moon phase energies are outgoing, vibrant, and creative, some feel this is counterintuitive to menstruation. Not so. In ancient times, the Red Moon cycle was associated with shamanism, high priestesses, and healers. Women who tend to menstruate with the full moon are said to focus their “darker” and more creative menstrual energies outward, rather than inward, in order to nourish and teach others from their own experience. Many times, women with this cycle will be more focused on self-growth, development, mentorship, and creativity.”


I’ve noticed a few of my friends periods follow the full moon. So interesting. Idk about mine because it’s always been irregular and now I have iud so the most I get now is cramping. This month is the first time I actually bled in a while.

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Didn’t realize there’s so many uses for it.