What is time?

I think I don’t get it, really.


[Man] is quite familiar with the three dimensions of length, width and height, and he feels that if there were a fourth dimension, it should be just as obvious to him as the dimensions of length, width and height.

A dimension is not a line; it is any way in which a thing can be measured that is entirely different from all other ways. That is, to measure a solid fourth-dimensionally, we simply measure it in any direction except that of its length, width and height.

Is there another way of measuring an object other than those of its length, width and height?

Time measures my life without employing the three dimensions of length, width and height.

Time is … a fourth way of measuring an object.

The more dimensions an object has, the more substantial and real it becomes. A straight line, which lies entirely in one dimension, acquires shape, mass and substance by the addition of dimensions. What new quality would time, the fourth dimension, give which would make it just as vastly superior to solids as solids are to surfaces and surfaces are to lines?

Time is a medium for changes in experience because all changes take time. The new quality is changeability.

Observe that if we bisect a solid, its cross section will be a surface; by bisecting a surface, we obtain a line; and by bisecting a line, we get a point.

This means that a point is but a cross section of a line, which is, in turn, but a cross section of a surface, which is, in turn, but a cross section of a solid, which is, in turn, if carried to its logical conclusion, but a cross section of a four-dimensional object.

We cannot avoid the inference that all three-dimensional objects are but cross sections of four-dimensional bodies.

To see the four-dimensional self I must see every cross section or moment of your life from birth to death and see them all as coexisting.

My focus should take in the entire array of sensory impressions which you have experienced on earth plus those you might encounter.

I should see them, not in the order in which they were experienced by you, but as a present whole.

Because change is the characteristic of the fourth dimension, I should see them in a state of flux as a living, animated whole.

If we have all this clearly fixed in our minds, what does it mean to us in this three-dimensional world?

It means that, if we can move along time’s length, we can see the future and alter it as we so desire.

This world, which we think so solidly real, is a shadow out of which and beyond which we may at any time pass.

From Neville Goddard’s Out of This World , chapter 1.
*Note: Neville Goddard’s works are public domain.


Iiiit looks like I should not have asked that question, my brain is blaaank.

Thank you for copying that and sending it to me, I really appreciate it! :smiley:


A blank slate is best for new things to be there inscribed :stuck_out_tongue:

Time is a bit of a bastard, really; if I had a method of manipulating its course in day to day life, better believe I’d share it. Apart from, say, calling on Fotamecus to speed or slow the hours.

If you want a better understanding of time, I would recommend working with Metatron.

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That kind of stuff sounded impossible until lately. Crazy shit has been happening with time, though. Gotta wonder what time is when it’s so flexible. At least compared to how flexible you thought it was

The passage of time, or the selection of timelines? There’s no escaping the former but the latter is something of an obsession for me. Not to mention rituals and castings that play with causality. I’d be interested in hearing anything you’d be willing to share.

Timelines, and deciding timelines, is as simple as making a decree.
At least in my experience.

It’s hard to get across what I want to say, but I remember Belial told me this. “People’s magick can hit a ceiling because they don’t have the balls to say that they’re capable of anything past it.”

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Hehe, I love Belial. He and Metatron are my go-to guys. Very different energy though.

I use this so often, too. Funny because I was just vainly reading one of my own threads about causing targets to forget certain events with the powers of Bael. I revise events in my life constantly, and if I recall something that “happened” and wasn’t to my liking, I simply abruptly cut the thought off and state “that never happened”. It’s second nature now, and it is reflected back to me by everyone around me.

Maybe that’s why I jive with the great King so much. I simply refuse to accept limitations. And if I feel I’ve hit a wall, I simply decide it is not so, and decree that each day when I awake, I’ve moved into a new timeline which aligns with my chosen outcome.


I worry too much about what people think of me, Belial included. He’s sick of it, honestly, and he keeps trying to get me to destroy those limits.

You’re still pretty young, if I’m not mistaken, right? I suppose it would be wrong to say time takes care of that, in a thread about the meaninglessness and/or inescapability of time. But that is very much the case.

Easier asked than achieved, but can you get to the root of it all? What do you have to lose if people see you in a certain way that is not of your choosing? And that too begs the question, can you not simply choose the timeline/align with the version of yourself that is self-assured? Because if you do feel you have something to lose, remember that feelings can be changed, and if feelings are held long enough, they harden into assumptions that are not even considered, and yet still inform how you live your life.

I might not be the best person to weigh in here because (sorry, humblebrag incoming), I have always held myself in high esteem, even in my younger and more uncertain days, and I’m approaching 30. I have never worried what people think about me, because I have an innate assumption that I am an interesting, memorable, likeable person. It’s not something I question or think about because it’s core to my self-image. However, that same thing can certainly be achieved through conscious persistence if you set that assumption for yourself.

Hopefully at least part of that made sense.

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Yeah, I’m 16. I’ve come to terms with it lol. I’m actually proud of it, considering all that I’ve learned in a years time. At 16. It makes me smile, if anything.

Not much, but I guess it came full force when one of the more prominent figures of this community (and in turn the people who liked him) decided they didn’t like me. The worst part about it is that they were my friend. I didn’t feel confident about anything I was doing, and anytime I made progress they were sure to come in and invalidate it. I’m not so sure what they were thinking, but I guess I picked the timeline where I learned the most important crap at some point, so they had to flip me the finger.

I miss them.

I feel confident in myself, of myself. Not deluded or anything. The problem is when I start reacting to other people. I am even described as being “the mediator” on my myer briggs test. Always trying to get people to be happy with me. I legit have wondered if EVERY post I’ve made on this page would offend you.

I did notice you went missing for a while. Sorry to hear you had some troubles.

I hope this doesn’t sound condescending, but almost everything is confusing or uncertain when you’re a teenager. It’s when you really start coming into your own, in the transition to adulthood, where your personality starts to become set in stone. The seeds you plant now will serve you for the rest of your life. :slight_smile:

I have chill parents so as a pre-teen girl with an outdoors hobby I was basically left to my own devices every weekend, and spent almost every daylight hour of Saturday and Sunday without any kind of adult supervision at all; hanging out with other kids my own age; still young enough to engage in make-believe playtime (which, now that I truly think about it, had a strong influence in my interest in the occult, but I won’t go into specifics). Even as a teenager I was very independent and given a lot of freedom, so I really have that to thank for my worldview as an adult, almost 15 years later.

Your personality (and therefore your Myers-Briggs type) may end up changing; you never know.

But, I do understand how other people can unbalance you. If someone doesn’t like you, it’s their loss. Just remember, don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. In this regard Belial should be a good teacher for you.

I am not easily offended so don’t you worry about that at all :laughing: nothing you have said here has given me pause. If something isn’t to my taste I simply do not engage. If you need someone to lend an ear you’re more than welcome to send a PM.

I hope you keep your studies up and don’t let the opinions of others keep you away from the forum or from bettering yourself. You have the advantage of coming into this knowledge at an early age where your future is still so malleable. It would be a shame to turn away from it.

This isn’t condescending at all. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me :slight_smile:

Oh it definitely will. Thanks for pointing that out.

Thanks for saying this, it really means a lot to me. That being said, I never took a break from magick, I just don’t talk about it too much. So you’d be happy to know that I assume :slight_smile:

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You assume correctly :laughing: good lad. I can only imagine where I’d be if I hadn’t dropped in and out of the occult for years. So, “what is time?” – something that defines you – something that you make the most of. Seriously, keep it up. :slight_smile: :bouquet:

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Time is an illusion.
Past only exists in your mind, just like future. Neither is completely real.

Like the wake of a ship, the present builds the past; the past building the present is also an illusion; we just use the wake to explain the direction of the ship, but it is the ship that makes the wake.

Similarly, the future is an illusion in the way that the present drives the future; there are two reasoning behind this:

One example is if you need to go to the grocery store, the grocery store becomes the cause of you getting into the car. In a standalone cause-effect, you could say that the cause of being in the car is because you are going into the grocery store (A future event becomes the cause of the present much as the illusion of cause-effect of the past).

Another example has to do more with the rules of this world. The past only happens in your head; all images, feelings, smells and tastes are stored in your brain. Other than this, the past does not exist at all. Similarly, the future does not exist as it is just probabilities of happenings.

All certain events become past by default. Imagine if you knew that if you took the 3:00pm train, your daughter would die. You would most likely not take the 3:00pm train. Certainty in future becomes a past by default in this matter.

Finally I must reiterate that Time is an illusion. Much like movies, we just experience moments in sequence. Movies do not really move!
Just billions of pictures; however, if you experience them in a “logical” sequence, everything comes alive.

“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.” - Douglas Adams

Best magical treatment of time I know of comes from Peter Carroll’s The Octavo. There’s really no good way to summarize it except by the main magical implication: The past isn’t any more set than the future, regardless of how we experience it. You are changing the past every time you do magic just as much as you are changing the future.