What is this process called?

You know when you’re watching Tv and for example someone is in a workshop working with a saw and tools and you swear you can smell sawdust. Or maybe you’re watching chocolate being made and you swear you can smell cocoa powder in the air to the point you can even taste it. Is there a specific name for that process? I’d like to read into it more and find out what kind of process takes place in the mind to make us experience things that are not really there just by sight or sound but it’s not gonna do much good without knowing if there is a name for it.

Like sometimes people can also hear something and it puts a bad image in their mind that they cannot shake away (like mom and dad having sex, sorry about that!), or you can see someone break their arm on Tv and instantly feel pain and sympathize with what that person is feeling. Basically some type of visual or audio cue signals one or more of your senses to activate as if these things are happening to you or happening in the same room. I’m not talking about hallucinations, this is some type of sympathetic reaction created by your senses thru suggestive means and I swear I learned about this in psychology class but I cannot remember what it was called.

Yes, there is a good magickal reason for asking this question. I’ll explain later.

Do you mean empathy?

Clairalience is when a psychic can smell things. Clairvoyance is seeing, and clairaudience is hearing things. There’s probably updated terms for these senses though.

Is this what you were looking for?

Something along those lines Salpinx but I guess I am looking for the scientific term. I do recall studying this in psychology class but this was back in 2009 and I have long since lost my notebook from that class, but you know psychology does not recognize magick to be real so they would most likely not refer to this as being clair— anything.

I don’t mean having visions or hearing sounds from other realms and spirits, I mean strictly based on senses. Yes, sort of like empathy but not quite. Usually an empath has more defined experiences. They can take on other’s emotions unintentionally as if being fed these emotions thru some computer program and many times a true empath is labeled as bipolar or unstable because the ever changing emotions make their mood vary from one minute to the next and psychology will not accept psychism as a valid reason for this, so they tend to label these individuals as mentally unstable.

So what I am referring to is not linking up with other people that are close by or feeling their emotions, or feeling sorry for them, this is more like your brain being tricked into feeling, thinking, or smelling something that’s not there thru the power of suggestion and other sane people experience this from time to time. If I’m craving Taco Bell enough, I can taste sour cream and cheese. Or watching the show Dirty Jobs, I swear I can smell shit when he’s cleaning the sewers and stuff and it’s just a tv show it’s not really in front of me. This also happens when someone describes things to me over the phone. But I would not consider myself an empath, not in the slightest. I’ve heard this is something the majority of humans experience from time to time, that it’s not a special ability just a flaw in the hardwiring of our brains and anyone is capable of experiencing it.

So it has something to do with suggestion and the 5 senses. I know there is some other scientific term for this but I cannot remember it, but without knowing the correct term I cannot search for the correct info I am seeking. If I try just searching for smelling things that you see on Tv and so on, it comes up with info on hallucinations and this has nothing to do with hallucinations. Google search is highly flawed so you have to be specific to get the right results.

Hmm… autosuggestion?

Now this has become a riddle of sorts. :slight_smile: I’ll keep thinking up possible words. I hope I’m on the right track.

Someone suggested Synesthesia to me in a PM. Looked it up and it seems very much along the lines of what I am referring to. I thought this was normal but apparently it’s not so common after all. I don’t see music as colors or hear colors but I do have overactive sensory processing which woud make sense now that I read up on synesthesia. It’s basically a sensory processing disorder but can also cause your senses to become crosswired so if you SEE food on Tv, you can SMELL and TASTE it too. Or if you see or hear certain things you can feel them.

It made a lot of sense when I looked into this just now, so maybe this IS somethting isolated to me which is why no one else ever understands what I mean when I describe this, they just look at me like I’m nuts. But my senses are overactive so this is plausible. My mom can start cooking while I’m in my room and I have no idea what she is fixing but a few minutes later I open my door and yell down the hall to the kitchen which is on the other side of the house and say I can smell ginger and graham crackers are you making a pumpkin pie? My mom has no clue how I can smell every single spice when she can’t even smell them in the same room unless she sticks her nose in the container. The other morning I woke up and I could smell turkey, it takes several hours to cook so she starts making it in the morning and the second I rolled out of bed I yelled down the hall and said that turkey smells good.

I just woke up, had not even been into the kitchen yet and knew that she was fixing turkey but what’s really crazy, I knew exactly what brand it was just by the smell. And my mom doesn’t buy the same brand every time, she buys whatever is on sale and I never look inside of her meat freezers because I have no reason to so I honestly had no clue beforehand about that turkey, and she was shocked when I was able to tell her the brand name from across the house just by smell. I said mom, every brand has its own distinct smell. She said no they don’t a turkey is a turkey no matter where it came from, they all smell like just turkey. Not to me. I have the problem with sounds, faint sounds that don’t bother anyone else sound like they’re being played thru a megaphone right in my ear.

So I have traits of synesthesia and misophonia, so definitely some sensory problems on my end. I thought this was normal for everyone but anyway, I was going to see if I could find a way to use this to my advantage for magickal purposes and dreamscaping, meditation, etc. but if I’m the only one experiencing this then my ideas may not work for everyone.

I know some who also have that… but that words you’ve just accepted to term it just don’t perfectly fit to the ability you are talking about. It’s something like a reverse process of cognition. For in cognition you receive with the presence of thing associated, while in the ability you talk about the reverse happens. You tend to produce the thing in it’s absence.
Well, if you’re strong enough to believe, we can name it with some guide words, " the ability to produce existence from nothing but will"

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:1, topic:6536”]You know when you’re watching Tv and for example someone is in a workshop working with a saw and tools and you swear you can smell sawdust. Or maybe you’re watching chocolate being made and you swear you can smell cocoa powder in the air to the point you can even taste it. Is there a specific name for that process? I’d like to read into it more and find out what kind of process takes place in the mind to make us experience things that are not really there just by sight or sound but it’s not gonna do much good without knowing if there is a name for it.

Like sometimes people can also hear something and it puts a bad image in their mind that they cannot shake away (like mom and dad having sex, sorry about that!), or you can see someone break their arm on Tv and instantly feel pain and sympathize with what that person is feeling. Basically some type of visual or audio cue signals one or more of your senses to activate as if these things are happening to you or happening in the same room. I’m not talking about hallucinations, this is some type of sympathetic reaction created by your senses thru suggestive means and I swear I learned about this in psychology class but I cannot remember what it was called.

Yes, there is a good magickal reason for asking this question. I’ll explain later.[/quote]

If you’ve been doing whatever work you have been, you’re opening up your astral sense to smell, taste and touch things that aren’t with you. Sometimes you’ll smell things that are there and things that you’ve never smelled before. You may have smelled them once before but typically with magick that happened. Which is good, that means your magick is working! Thumbs up!

Kenneth, I have been a magician for 19 years. My astral senses were fully opened and awakened quite some time ago. I educate newbies about awakening their astral senses all the time so I am already fully aware of how the astral senses work.

This is not something that started happening to me recently, I have been experiencing this since I was 4 years old. I was under the impression that this was something we all experienced from time to time, like a brain glitch thing but as I got older and began to ask other people about it, most people had no clue what I meant so I figured maybe I was just asking the wrong people all these years?

As for the synesthesia thing, it does not quite match the term I was looking for, although similar in some ways, what I was speaking of is something that only happens on occasion and according to the info I found on google synesthesia is not the best term for this because those who suffer from it will taste, smell, see or hear the exact same thing every time the same trigger is put in front of their face. And what I speak of is not trigger based. In other words, someone with synesthesia would smell broccoli EVERY time they see it on Tv but someone without that disorder would smell it one time and never smell it again and a few weeks later they would smell sawdust or chocolate, one time only, when they see it on Tv.

I do have oversensitive senses, but nothing like that. I cannot taste or hear colors, I cannot smell music notes, that stuff seems a little weird to even me. Like I said, what I experience from time to time is not a hallucination, not a side effect of some weird medication, not spirit related. This is something psychology related where if I see the right visual cues it fools my mind into thinking the food or substances I see on Tv are actually in the same room with me and I smell those foods but not every time I watch Tv, only on occasion.

And if I watch someone get hurt very badly on Tv like deathly pain like breaking their arm in 5 places, I suddenly feel a phantom pain in the same places. Or if I see a swarm of bees or bugs on Tv I start itching all over uncontrollably because it suddenly feels like my body is crawling with insects. Just from typing that in, I am starting to itch now! It almost seems like my imagination is just overly vivid and running wild on me. Because I don’t have any major psychological conditions or health problems that would cause anything like this, no brain tumors or schizophrenia.

But there seems to be not enough info on google about this, every time I try to search for something along these lines now it keeps pulling synesthesia information but the more I read about that disorder, the more that disorder seems to NOT have anything to do with my experiences. There has got to be another term here that we are all overlooking. I’ve looked into Clair— everything and it seems closer to my experiences but still not quite the same thing as these experiences are not connected to any spirits.

Sorry, I have a really hard time explaining my feelings and experiences to other people. Things I say make sense to me but to other people I either don’t make sense or they confuse what I really mean with something else. It’s my own fault, but I wish I could communicate better with other people.

It sounds like suggestibility:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

It’s a form of (waking) self-hypnosis in which you can be told something (or see something) and you experience it as though you were there, imagine a stage hypnotist telling someone a freshly cut lemon is chocolate cake, and the person eats as as easily as if it was, or planting the idea that they’re a dog, stuff like that - childish uses, but I’m sure you can think of more useful magickal purposes!

You could for example record self-hypnosis scripts in which you can achieve things that right now feel beyond you, which will implant the memory of being able to do them and so overcome conscious & subconscious barriers.

It’s like having write-access to your own mental programming! :slight_smile:

Thanks Eva, access to my mental programming was exactly what I had in mind but with an interesting twist.

I call it the second rule of dream control. The more attention you give something, the more related detail it creates.

i happen to be a highly-sensitive synaesthette, and i’ve participated in years’ worth of research with a group down here at Macquarie university, among others. there’s a bunch of research out there that i took part in, which was kinda cool, but it certainly isn’t something i / we “suffer” from :slight_smile:

also, no, it isn’t what you’re referring to. i’ve heard of what you’re talking about, but the name escapes me at present. off the top of my head, it sounds like “sensory evocation”. i’ll ask a neuroscientist next time i meet up with one, and let you know if they know what we’re talking about.
