What is "the void" actually?

abaddon being a fallen angel either retains the light energy from their creator or took on abyssal energy which is elementally dark energy. There are some angels with death energy due to following Azrael or thanatos. Although there are some abyssal creatures like the humanoid locust and such who have multispectral which is a form of ambient energy.

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For anyone that’s still watching this thread:
I asked Lucifer to explain what The Void was. What he said may not be the void yall work with, but it’s the one I do. Depending on how you define your metaphysics you can tap into different versions of things. Someone who uses a turtleshell 3 worlds will not be accessing the same exact “version” as someone who uses the Kabalah, even if they travel to the same place because the metaphysics has to rearrange itself to fit in. Keep that in mind when I say this.

T- What is the Void? Is it related to The Dreaming?

L- Not really. The way you use the Dreaming equates to a similar mechanics but they are not related in any way more or less significant than anything else.

T- Explain the mechanics then, I am under the impression thus far that a Void cannot have any energy by nature. Zero energy, but a TON of application to be sure. I call Voids, empty spaces with defined parameters; like a bubble in the ocean. Cosmic voids are the same but with no substance inside. Correct me if I am wrong.

L- You are right, there is a bit of misconception among the mages who use The Void so although everyone’s definition is in some way true people use the same word when talking about slightly different things. The Void is often called the space of unformed limitless energy, but that’s not technically true. It’s so vast and potent that it might as well be, but it is not of true unlimited power. If that were the case, the beasts that reside within it would have freed themselves long ago.

T- So what is the Void they speak of? Compare it alongside the Dreaming so I may understand it.

L- The Void is more like the space in between all all structures Just an atom sits in empty space, all structures sit in the void.

T- Unlimited possibility and application, because there is no structure. It is the total absence of Devine masculine because there is no energy and the absence of Devine feminine because there is no structure. Is this correct?

L- Yes and no. There is structure in the sense that energy clusters, dimensions, planes, they exist in the void, making void a sort of structure for agents and agents as a sort of structure for the void. There is a massive amount of energy in the void, however it is unbound by structure. “Primordial soup” as you call it.

T- Provide an example of the void’s limitations.

L- There is no time, which can be good or bad depending on the context.

T- Ah I see… This is partially why the beasts that dwell there do not die. I take it that the hunger of these beasts, as many magicians speak of, is due to their diet of structure and not energy? If this is the case it would also explain why they were allegedly exiled to these outer realms. Otherwise they would devour all structure.

L- Exactly. They devour structure bot not the energy itself. Hence the phrase “all things return to the void”.

T- I know you are simplifying things for me but I appreciate it. I’ve heard of a difference between Abyss and Void. Can you clarify?

L- There is a difference, although in the way you utilize planar geography it doesnt matter. Void would be the fabric of dimensional space and axes, and Abyss would be the primordial soup.

T- Yeah you’re right it technically doesn’t. I dont view them as being separate planes because the abyss would just be un-structured energy clusters sitting in the void. All I need is the distinction between them for how I’ll be using it. Thanks Luci, we will discuss this more later.

L- Goodbye, Seeker.

(I operate in 3+1 worlds. A sphere with two hemispheres, top being Overworld and bottom being Underworld with Middleworld being “wherever I am”, right now its earth, as a flat disc in the center. Not saying the earth is flat, its curved in reality, but its flat in my personal matrix. The Dreaming then coats the entire outside of this sphere.)

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Sounds the same as what most say the void is, except the Abyss has structure, the abyss has tribes, homes, mountains, fields, and so forth.

Though most entities in the void are voidlings which are elementals which are made of void energy, they can die. To them entering ‘creation’ cuts them off from the void. Primordial Gods such as Khaos, Tiamat, Nun, all are connected to the void because they are the elemental consciousness of the void in their own forms.


Yeah that sounds about right. Anywhere there is energy there will be things that live in it. And just by how things work, any time there is energy it will be structured just by existing. Lucifer was referring to structures such as defined mechanisms. “Primordial soup” just has as little as is possible, because it’s the merging of everything that’s inside it.

I should also mention that I dont work with he aspect of Lucifer most people do. My version of him is not really Infernal, so he may use different terminology. In fact, I know he does. Part of it is just so he can explain things to me in the way my very Soul likes to interpret metaphysical mechanics, and sometimes its just his non infernal side explaining things in his own non infernal way.

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I don’t really work with Lucifer and infernal is just the name of the nation he rules. I don’t agree with really any of the views of Lucifer here but keep my own to myself since it doesn’t really matter how I see him.


You also mention that Satan is a title in another thread, rather than a being. Could you give a source for that and that the devil is a tribe. These are very interesting facts that I would like to know more about.

Also, I did not mean the Goetia at all. I do not consider them being at that level of power. lol

Research how the title satan came to be, but also look into satanael, because there’s the only two origins of it. A title given to horned Gods after their demonization and the fallen angel satanael of the 2nd book of Enoch.

Also you said biggest names in the forum, which are the goetia for the most part.

Devils have been a common part of quite a few mythologies as a race of demons or entities, the “devil” singular is a fairly monotheistic concept to denote the Satanael or whatever God was given the title satan after his demonization as leader of demons.



The void is filled with dark matter