What is the most dangerous form of magick that you have heard of

Tittle says it all really… Just curious to have some interesting reads… The most interesting I have seen is these rishis who have learnt to control there body and go into some hybernating mode which allows them to slow down there heartbeat to a extremly slow speed… They do this by doing their secretive meditations and stay away from humans… They can live over 200 years using this technique


Hiya OP! What kinda dangerous are you talking about? There are plenty of patently stupid and dangerous forms around, from Koetting and others!

Magic is another universe, that’s why ‘sacred spaces’ are microcosmic readouts, so going through the motions without precisely understanding why you’re doing those actions is flummoxing! That’s like playing pilot with a pasengered plane, but dumber. :slight_smile:


I just wanted some lazy reads mate I get your point tho