What is stronger using basic ENN or DOM -

I see alot of people on here just talking about grabbing a sigil, chanting an ENN, and having a conversation or get results. Is this more powerful than using a ritual out of DOM?

If I were to choose just the enn- what do I do?

Just grab the sigil, and find the ENN on Youtube or something? How is everyone full blown dialogues that they were able to type out?

When I have done ritual 2 out of DOM I have felt the presense but a full dialogue that I can then type out has been far from any experience I had.


You have to open the seal, and actually call the spirit, just like you do with the Demons of Magick method.

Practice and development of the required skills. If you haven’t opened your clairaudience, you likely won’t be able to hear the spirit.

This is 99% of evocations. The vast majority of people only evoke to presence. You rarely need anything else.

thank you. Who would you recommend out of DOM to help me open my clairaudience?

Furcas has that reputation