What is “pure Magick”?

This is a chaos sigil with several categories of Magick mapped out on it. The others are pretty self explanatory but what exactly is “pure” magick? Is it literally just raw will and energy or something else?


According to Peter Carroll, the guy who created the 8 colour rays of magick based on the fiction of Terry Pratchett, Octarine represents one’s own personal magical self, and acts of “pure magick” are things like creating new symbol systems for divination, developing magical theories and philosophies, creating magical languages, etc, anything not directly concerned with material results.



It’s your energy that you put toward something you’re creating or something uniquely yours. Like @DarkestKnight said, a great example is making your own system of something from scratch.

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Darkestknight hit the nail on the head. The only other thing to note is that the color of octarine is distinct and unique to the magickian. I highly recommend reading Liber Kaos, the book that goes into this topic in depth.

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Pure Magick may refer both to the force and the discipline/path. Perhaps the most classical and traditional genre, going backwards from Papus and Levi to Agrippa, besides the grimoires etc. Another author talks about 2 kinds of High Magic: orthodox and scientific; in the latter case it would be a modern high magic, but it may be considered pure nonetheless.

I would just keep in mind that this is a system someone else made up for themselves. That doesn’t mean it’s invalid, just that color symbology is not limited to what is in this diagram. These associations do line-up reasonably with chakra symbology, though, if you do not limit yourself to the first obvious meaning that each of these may have for you.

For example, green to me right now is very much so a money color, but “love magick” does not conflict with that association for me. Blue is more of a “pure power” color to me and is associated with endings, like Black is here, but again this does not conflict with “wealth magick.” Red is more peace to me than it is war, but sometimes war has to happen for there to be peace, so fair enough.

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Actually should be black and it symbolyses the Black magician bringer of Chaos and the 3 directions in the upper part is the arms and head, the 3 on the lower are legs and genitals and the 2 verticals are the polarities

You are thinking of two diffrent ways of looking at Chaos and chaos magick.

First of, it was as far as I know referenced in a book long before any tradition used it at all.

The tradition that the other user is refering to is chaos magick as practiced by amongst other IOT and has a base in a enviroment where the practicers make the rules without any guidelines and are free to invoke Mickey Mouse. Read Liber Kaos or Liber Null by Peter Caroll.

To a black magic chaos magican I don’t understand why the two polarities are important since its not about uniting the opposites but rather about breaking the balance.
Ive seen references to the use of 11 directions where 8 are visable and 3 are invicible.