What is mugwort for

It’s a tool used for grinding herbs.

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Of course that I’ve seen. Gotcha. So grinding mugwort and other herbs will help it burn better and longer?


Yes, and it will burn more consistently. If your powders burn too quickly try squeezing it into a lump or mix with a resin. Gum Arabic is a good base.

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Yes that is exactly what I ment. Thank you @charles9 and @Nagathex .

Why not making a really, really strong tea of it?

#Has anyone tried to mix it with catnip??

Yep. Catnip, mint, mugwort, and motherwort are all things I have in my garden at home for my wife.


Basically for inducing spiritual visions. Witches used this a lot to aid calirvoyance and for scrying. You can make a tea out of it or make an essential oil by steeping it in oil and anointing your third eye with this before a scrying session or evocation, or even before you sleep if you want wacky dreams.


It can give you some pretty gnarly dreams.