What is energy sponging?

Hello. I’m reading the book Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience and got to an exercise to raise energy that instructs to:

sponge energy up through your legs and back

Before, he used the word sponging to describe an energy action, but no to raise energy. He didn’t explain how to “sponge up” energy. Does anyone know how is this different?
By the way, I don’t have energy sensation when doing the exercises.

Imagine holding a sponge in an invisible hand.
Think the earth below you is a lake of energy.
With your will, take energy like you would take water.
Feel that sponge filling itself with electric/fire like power
Now, with your will again, take the sponge and make it get through your physical legs (with or without invisible arms)