What identity do you think the spirits of this book have?

What I’ve been thinking about is since Azazel is deemed a fallen angel and not an actual demon or djinn. Do you think that his nethers are angels as well?

Azazym, this is an absolutely STELLAR question! And I’m going to really throw a kink in things …

I do not define angels & demons according to traditional thinking. I go back to the original word"daemonii" which means simply Spirits - Nonphysical Entities. And from that perspective I see the divide between angels & demons NOT as a divide between light & dark, or good & evil. I see the divide as something closer to Universal Will & Individual Will.

So be they fallen angels, demons or djinn, I love the fact that they uphold individual will. :wink: Z

I’m going to fly to where you out and take you out and pick your mind. Zoe, that is the best --cking way of looking at that and I’ve never considered it.

Why thank you, Azazym; I frequently find your words inspiring as well! Gotta LOVE the benefits of this Forum, yes? And feel free to ‘pick my brain’. As you have seen, I’m not shy about sharing my perceptions ! :wink: Z
