What happens magically if a group of people believe this?

So lets say somebody online puts up a video and claims its cursed (even though its fake asf). And over time this video becomes well known but a lot of people believe the rumor of it being cursed and fear it. Could that collective energy from all the fearful people end up making the video be affected some way like as if it actually has a curse? Or would it do nothing?

You’re just describing a video going viral. It has happened in the past, with allegedly cursed videos, and nobody is mailing his eyes to Youtube’s offices.

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it could create an egregore

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Well what i mean is the video itself actually holding a curse or some form of energy after a bunch of people having a similar negative reaction to it

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Other than creating an egregore (which wouldn’t be the video itself), no, I don’t think so. This has happened in the past. In the fairly recent past. Also, a video going viral is like the lotery: highly unlikely to happen (to your video), but someone gets it every week.

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No because those beliefs are not reinforced through experience nor emotion. In order for the snowball to start rolling, there must be reinforcement. Either through experience that was unintentional. Or experience that was intentional.

In ceremonial magick we immerse as many of the senses as we can into the experience to bypass the censor and thus reinforce rhe belief. If someone has no prior experience with the authenticity of curses, then their censor will simply block anything from manifesting, simply due to the fact rhe unconcious has not been ceremonially immersed, nor does past experience of the individual permit the manifestation to be possible. Thus it is stopped by the censor.

A lot of people overestimate the psychic ability of unconcious people. There is no intent, and often an unconcious lack of faith due to education and past experience. So no, a bunch of dults will not accidentally create an egregore. Some people manifest thoughtforms, however, this happens in the case of extreme emotions being repressed and personified by the psyche .

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It creates an egregore affect.


Egregores require intentional feeding. They are not created accidentally. They can be reinforced accidentally. But their creation is no accident. That would be a thoughtform.

Egregore is grossly overused in newage practice. It is not the same as a thoughtform.

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Okay, thoughtform then. I probably mixed the terminology.

But the general concept is the same, right?


Egregores can be created unintentionally, and an egregore affect isn’t always an “entity” it can be a structured belief system as well.

Not at all, an egregore is a form of thoughtform, normally an egregore is believed to be formed by a collective belief, but it can also be done singular but takes more time.

Egregore is an occult concept representing a “thoughtform” or “collective group mind”, an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people

Basically this would happen when multiple people collectively believe in a cursed video/fear a video, it created an egregore affect, not all egregores are entities but there’s also the cases where even a belief system can become an egregore and those who try to leave it sometimes feel themselves compelled to come back to that belief or group. I was once part of a forum that had a pretty toxic egregore affect to it and it took a while for me to realize this and break away from it.

An egregore (pronounced egg’ gree gore) is a group thought-form. It can be created either intentionally or unintentionally, and becomes an autonomous entity with the power to influence. A group with a common purpose like a family, a club, a political party, a church, or a country can create an egregore, for better or worse depending upon the type of thought that created it.


Thanks. I’m having a serious mix of everything-occult right now. Quite confusing.


Key word: “takes time” which is why this is exceedingly unlikely to happen unintentionally. Im sorry but you countered your own claim.

I think it most likely becomes a self fulfilling prophecy than any legitimate energetic effect. Basically, the people end up cursing themselves through their belief.


There ye go, darkest gets the psychodynamic perspective.

More like it’s exceedingly unlikely to happen with one individual, but not with a group with strong beliefs.

So you’re telling me. You sit there and reread the message over and over again while programming your intent?

No one does this for those “cursed posts” op is speaking of.

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The belief itself is my point, one person believes it, another, then another, it’s still feeding the belief. You’d be surprised what people do especially if they’re new to occult. :man_shrugging:

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That is a gross oversimplification of how egregores are formed. I’m guessing this comes from a newage perspective. But I guess we’ll agree to disagree. Thank you for your insights.

More like from actual experience, but if you believe it’s new age I’ll let you believe that, I’m not exactly aiming to change your mind in the first place that would need more care than I actually have to give to be honest.

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have you watch the asian horror show ’ the ring?’