What does the word Magic/Magick mean to you?

What exactly does Magic/Magick mean/consist of, how does one perform magic/magick, based on the definition?


Low magick obtaining and changing my reality suitable for my goals and aspirations.
High magick union with the divine and the universe.


when someone puts all their indifference and problems aside and decide to help someone in their troubles of needs…that truly is magical…if you can help someone today it will make you feel magical…


Since I started doing magick, my life has gotten exponentially, massively, hugely, enormously better in I think every way. I experience far less pain and much more pleasure. Life’s also much more fun. Rarely if ever is life boring when you’ve got angels and demons about.

Because of that I don’t really worry about it and just do the rituals.


I would say imagination and creativity, equal to understanding and knowledge. After knowing ourself.

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Magick is fun and creative


It’s what I feel, but it’s definition for me is simply like this. Magick is the manifestation of beliefs


Magick; a spiritual practice of self-empowerment involving the utilization and manipulation of extra dimensional currents, forces, and energies often in intangible ways that creates ripple effects through physical reality, often in concordance with the Will of the magician to manifest a desired effect. I just threw that out there off the top of my head. I hope it doesn’t come across as pretentious or too whatever.


Seems to me to be a great definition.

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Nope i think you nail it…here’s one… The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper .” “Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
Here’s the wiki def…Magic, sometimes stylized as magick, is the application of beliefs, rituals or actions employed in the belief that they can subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces.
And here’s is a quote by Peter Pan… Most importantly, never stop believing in magic…

Magick is in you and around you,if you look with your heart and wish it true,believe in it with all hope,then and only then will you experience the power of magick…
Just my 2 cents…

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Great input all :slight_smile:

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For me, magic is any work, doing, when the magician, at the same time, consciously connects his will and mental (I mean non-physical subtle) forces to the work. Something like how God created the earth in the Old Testament. True, the goals are chosen by everyone and they can vary from business success to the spiritual acquisition of divinity.

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Using your intent and willpower to make something happen.