Uh if you read back you quoted me, don’t get this mixed up mate.
I said I do not have a want for her to look like anything as you made a statement that she looks like what we want her to be and I corrected you on my stance and like any succubus she can change her basic features.
I do not see your need to drag this into something with your poem and “each to their own” when I made no statement of her only looking one way, so if you’re done realizing this I’d like to move on.
First off, I’m not Wiccan. Second, I typically view her as a voluptuous dark skinned woman in lingerie. Though, her curves hide a dense layer of muscle.
The dark skin is meant to be a contradiction of classical female beauty; to say you can still be beautiful without following traditional standards.
I perceive her as dominating but gentle, opposite of the idea of a woman being docile. She’s dominating both as a domme, as well as a teacher. She requires your undivided attention, and will test you to no end. But she rewards those who pass her tests.
I’ve seen her in a dream. Her hair was such a dark brown it was almost black. Skin white as snow. Eyes were very dark so I couldn’t say accurately if they matched her hair or were actually black. She wore a white dress and there was a very calm feeling around her even though when I looked into her eyes I could see into her. I could see what she was.
Btw, I am not a Wiccan but I respect them much. If we have today BALG , we should be thankful to Gerald Gardner too; he and his friends paved the way and thanks to them ( not only them for sure but their efforts was very valuable to me.) and I am thankful that we all can experience much more freedom today.
@Falllenangelicstan96 ; I imagine her in greens and blues, very attractive and sure of herself.
This comes closest to how Lilith showed herself to me when she appeared in my bedroom after having read about her in Petrucelly’s excellent Black witch - A Grimoire of the Demonic tongue. Only less sleazy.
Do keep in mind that these being are extremely telepathic and adapts their appearance to suit you the best. For example, Isis changed her appearance for me from classic temple girl to that of a Valkyrie (I am Swedish), when appearing during the Cleansing ritual of the Goddess. Hecate keeps changing her appearance all the time, but always the same height and body build.
This pic Hela is probably the best likeliness of Lilith.
Ahem, as far as I know it was Aleister Crowley who created modern wicca’s rituals after Gerald Gardner asked him to, because the original ancient wiccan rituals had been lost. And Crowley is as hardcore LHP magickian as they come. (source: an old book about wicca)
fr. The Theatre of the Occult Revival:
[…Gardner’s equation of ritual and sacred drama bears less in common with
the theatrical practices of the ROCF than with the perspectives on theatre and ritual that were espoused by Aleister Crowley, whom Gardner
knew and considered an occult adept. (In fact, Gardner was a member of
Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis, and he incorporated Crowley’s writings
into his Wiccan rituals.]
Thank you for your comment, but my point is on a completely different matter. Sure Crowley and Gardner had a history together and Gardner was a Rosicrucian since '39 and he met Crowley in '47 . They were good friends and Gardner was the leader of O.T.O after the dead of Crowley.
As said, my point was not about the rituals but the way they paved ( not only Gardner and I wrote "him and his friends " ) so that today we have a more free society.
What I wanted is to point out and what I am thankful for his efforts to change the image of Witches in the public eye, regarding the way he promoted on TV on papers, etc; how they have helped the change in the law. 40 and 50s were quite different, witchcraft act was in full force and to be involved in occult might be a social pariah and he helped to change that; he sure not alone brought magic from secret occult societies to surface to the masses. I recognize those efforts and in that way, I am thankful to him Wiccans, and all those who paved and eased our way.